Chapter 47

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I look around as we walk in, and I see a couple of familiar faces. A lot of people from school, some friends, and a shit ton of tourons, and a couple of rich kids. 

1 hour later

I am talking with a group of girls and I look around and find JJ looking right at me. I smile at him, as I take a sip of my beer, and he smiles back before going back to talking with a group of boys.
   " OMG, I love this song." Katelin, a girl that I had biology with last year, says, as Mr.Saxobeat by Alexandra Stan blares out of the speakers.

Kate pulls me and the rest of our group onto the dance floor. I start dancing and before I know it, Katelin and I are pressed against each other, dirty dancing with each other. I can feel JJ's eyes drilling holes in the back of my head. We turn around and now I can see JJ. His face is tense with annoyance, and with lust. I smirk at him before getting a little closer to her, but still making eye contact with JJ. JJ rolls his eyes, before going back to his conversation.

30 minutes later

" Wanna play truth or dare?" Kate asks us.
     " Sure." I say, as the rest of our group agrees too.

" Alright, Bethany, truth or dare?" Kate asks, looking at the pretty blonde girl standing next to me.

     " Truth." Bethany says.

" Is it true that you hooked up with a Kook last week?" Kate asks, taking a drink from her cup.

      " Yes, it's true." Bethany says.

" Damn, girl." Kate says, making the rest of us laugh.
      " Alright, my turn. MJ, truth or dare?" Bethany asks.

" Dare." I say.
      " I dare you to chug the rest of your beer." Bethany says. That's kind of boring but fine.

" Ok." I say, before chugging the rest of my beer.
10 minutes later

    " Bethany, truth or dare?" A dark haired girl, whose name I can't remember,  asks.

" Dare." Beth answers, putting her beer down on a side table.

     " I dare you to go get a guy's number." The girl says, smirking at her.

" Ok, but what guy?" Beth asks, looking around.
     " It doesn't matter, any of them." She says.

I'm starting to get bored, so I just stand there and drink my beer while she walks away. After a few moments, I look around and see her talking to JJ. Bethany puts her hand on JJ's arm, and JJ just smirks at her. I see him writing something down on a small piece of paper, and something inside me snaps. All I feel is anger and jealousy. I speed walk over to them, and pull her off of him.
     " What the hell is your problem?" Beth asks.

" Right now, you are. Now get the hell away from my boyfriend!" I say, raising my voice and mean muggin her.
     " I didn't know, I'm sorry." Beth says walking away.

I turn around and look at JJ. He's just smirking at me. I grab his hand and pull him down the hall and into the bathroom. As soon as I close the door I grab him by his shirt and pin him to the wall. His face is full of surprise, but I can tell he's getting turned on.

     " You're mine, remember that." I say darkly, looking up at him, giving him my most intimidating glare.

" And you're mine, but you weren't acting like it." JJ says, dominance in his voice as he grabs my wrists and flips us around so that I'm pinned to the wall.
" No, you were being a bad girl."

      " Well, you weren't exactly being good either." I say, brattiness taking control of me.

" You started it. Shouldn't have done that if you couldn't handle the consequences." JJ says, leaning down and roughly kissing me.

      I give into the kiss immediately, letting him explore my mouth. I shake my hands out of his grasp and run them through his hair, making it even messier. He gets even closer and I can feel his hard-on poking my stomach as we get more heated.

Bam! Bam! Bam!  I freeze, all I can think about is my father breaking down my bedroom door.

      " Would you hurry up!" A masculine voice yells from the other side of the door.

I unfreeze and let out a laugh of relief. JJ looks at me weird, which only makes me laugh harder.

      " Come on, let's go, bro." I say, grabbing JJ's hand and walking out of the bathroom.

" Sorry, dude." I say to the boy who was waiting for us to get out.

      " You're good, MJ." The boy says, before walking into the bathroom.

" You know him?" JJ asks, as we walk toward the group of guys that JJ was talking to previously.

      " I know everyone." I say playfully, smiling at JJ.

1 hour later ( I feel like the narrator of spongebob when I type that, lol)

" I'm going to get a drink, you want one?"  I ask JJ, looking up at him.

     " Nah, I got my beer." JJ says, quickly glancing at me before going back to his conversation.

I walk towards the table with all the liquor. I look around and see Rafe, sitting down on a couch. I freeze for a second before anger floods my senses. I see him do a line before I get to the table and start making my drink. As I pour coke into my Jack 'n Coke, someone stands next to me, uncomfortably close. I look up and see Rafe. I notice that his hair is greasy, and he looks like he hasn't slept or taken a shower in a couple of days.

     " Hey, baby." He says, creepily smirking at me while looking me up and down.

" I'm not your baby, now go away." I say bluntly, looking back at my drink and adding more Jack.

     " Have I ever told you that your brattiness gives me a hard on?" Rafe saying, looking down to his junk before looking at me

" Have I ever told you that your mere presence makes me nauseous?" I retort sarcastically, looking at him in disgust.

      " You better watch who you're talking to, before I punish you." Rafe says with malice in his voice, before harshly grabbing my wrist.

" You have 7 seconds to get your hand off of me before you no longer have a hand." I warn, making eye contact with him.

      When he doesn't remove his hand, I pull my switchblade out of my bra with my free hand, before quickly flicking it open and yanking my hand out of his grasp. Rafe looks at me, fear in his eyes. After a moment of tense silence, I notice that it's quiet. I glance around and see almost everyone looking at us.

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