Chapter 50

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A/N: HI! I know we just got back into show content, but it looks like morning when they pick the girls up, and evening in the next scene. So, I decided to write in some of the time between the two scenes. Anyway, thank you for reading, please vote and comment, it really means alot to me.

(Makena's POV)

Everyone is sitting down on the couch talking to each other while I sit quietly, sipping on a beer. I don't want to be here right now with Sarah, but I know that it'll turn into a big deal if I walk away. So, I just sit there in silence, mean mugging Sarah and occasionally nodding or chuckling to make it seem like I'm participating in the conversation.

Time skip

As I am zoned out, I hear Sarah say something about being really considerate and kind which makes me scoff. JJ puts his hand on my thigh and squeezes. I look up at him and he gives a daring look. It's clearly a warning to be nice, but I don't take too well to being told what to do. As Sarah goes on, I get angrier.

" Yeah, I was voted kindest person last year at school." Sarah says, making me scoff again.

" Oh yeah, then just how bitchy was everyone else?" I ask, annoyed.

" Cut it out." JJ says darkly, giving me another warning look.

" What? I'm just asking a question. If she was the kindest person there, then just how much bitchier was everyone else? Cause she's not that fucking nice." I say, my anger taking over slightly.

JJ doesn't say anything. He grabs my wrist and pulls me into our bedroom. JJ closes the door behind us and locks it.

" What is your problem?" JJ asks angrily, but not loudly.

" I don't like her, and I especially don't like her here." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

" Why? Is it because of what she did to Kiara? 'Cause if you hadn't noticed, they made up. So what exactly could you have against her?" JJ asks, getting a little louder.

" No it's not because of what she did to Kiara, I knew they made up before you did. I don't like her because she acts like she's better than us. Like she's superior just because her dad has money." I explain, waving my hands around and gesturing to the other room, matching the volume of my voice to his.

" How would you know? You haven't even given her a chance, you just met her and you've already decided." JJ says, stepping toward me.

" I haven't just met her. Not only have I heard stories, I experienced it for myself. The prom queen over there is a royal bitch! And why are you defending her?" I yell, stepping towards him.

" I'm defending her because JB, your so-called brother, loves her. And I know that if someone was being a bitch to you, I'd want someone to stand up for you. And when would you have experienced it?" JJ asks, lowering his voice slightly.

" Remember the day when we went out to look for the gold on Pope's boat? Remember how JB and I also had to run from child protective services that day?! Well we stole some guys bikes and had to make a jump, and when we landed the jump, we ran right into a chain, flew over it and landed in the street. When your new bestie found us, she stepped right over me like I was trash, in the street! Literally!" I yell, pointing to the living room through the wall.

" I'm sorry. I didn't know, but you don't have to be such an ass to her." JJ says, lowering his voice.

" Oh, now you're sorry. What happened to thirty seconds ago when you were yelling at me for hurting the princesses feeling?! Huh?" I ask, letting my hurt and anger take over.

" Hey! I'm sorry, but don't patronize me." JJ says sternly.

I stand there quietly for a moment, and calm down. I look up again and realize just how close we are, less than an inch from touching, and I go to take a step back when JJ grabs me and holds me to him.

" Don't back down now. Say what you wanna say." JJ says sternly, but I can tell that he's calmed down too.

" I don't have anything else to say." I say calmly, looking up into his eyes, his face intense but his eyes give away that he isn't mad anymore.

" I'm sure that you do. C'mon, yell at me some more for defending Sarah. I'm sure you can think of something." JJ says, keeping his same tone, maintaining eye contact as a smirk forms on his face.

I can feel the wetness pooling between my thighs, and I subtly press them together. I make sure to keep eye contact with JJ.

" I," I mumble, at a loss for words, all I can think about is his lust filled gaze, the heat crawling down my spine, and how badly I want to kiss him right now

" What? Cat got your tongue?" JJ asks teasingly, making me gulp.

I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him to me, kissing him passionately. I pull away and look at him. He looks a little stunned, like he wasn't expecting it.

" What? Cat got your tongue?" I ask, mocking him before leaving the room and going toward the kitchen.

I see everyone still in the living room, sitting there quietly. I know they were listening, they always listen when JJ and I argue. JJ and I usually don't argue often, maybe once every couple of months, and it usually resolves quickly, and over a joint. I think they listen just in case either of our tempers get out of control, but I would never hit JJ, and he wouldn't hit me.

I grab a beer out of the fridge, and go to walk toward the living room, when I'm met face to face with Sarah.

" What do you want?" I ask coldly, opening my beer can.

" I just wanted to apologize. I overheard you guys in there, actually I'm sure everyone heard you, but anyways. Um," Sarah starts, and I can tell she's nervous. I see her glance down at my bruised hands, gulp, then take a slight step back. Knowing that I make her nervous, makes me feel a little better.
" I'm sorry for stepping over you, it was really bitchy of me. I thought you hated me, like Kiara did, so I just thought that I shouldn't even try." Sarah explains.

" Well, you kind of have a point. I just didn't like you because I knew that you had hurt Kiara, but I didn't hate you. And I accept your apology." I say, sincerely. Most people don't like to admit when they're wrong, and yet, the kook princess just did. Maybe, she's not as bad as I think she is.

I glance over her shoulder and see John B looking at us, worriedly.

" Don't worry, I accepted her apology, you can fix your face before a worry line permanently fixes onto your forehead." I say, laughing as he tries to relax his face and rubs his forehead.

" Well, I hope we can be friends one day." Sarah says, and I can see her body language relax.

" We're already on the way." I say, smiling at her.

Not being mad at her makes me feel better, lighter. I feel someone's eyes on me, so I turn around to see JJ leaning against the door frame, smiling at me. I get butterflies, his smile is so cute and wholesome, and big. I haven't seen him smile this big in what feels like forever. I smile back at him, and he walks towards me and puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk towards the couch, and everyone starts talking again.

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