Chapter 6

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(this is continuing right where the other one left off, but I felt the other one was getting a little long, also mentions self harm and cutting. so if that's not something you wanna read, skip the last paragraph.)

A few minutes later

Pope ended up steering so that JB could drink with us. JJ gets on the bow of the ship, with his beer.

" Let me show you a party trick." JJ says.

" Wait for me, so I can show them how it's really done." I say, putting my phone down and grabbing my beer.

" Pope, can you go a little faster please?" JJ and I ask in unison.

" Oh boy, here we go." John B says.

" Oh ye of little faith." I tell them while getting on the bow with JJ.

" I got this, just a little more." JJ says while holding his beer away from his face, tilted so he can drink it.

I copy him except I manage to actually drink most of my beer.

" You're getting beer all in my hair." Kie complains, while boys simply ask him to stop. I have already finished mine but I am still standing on the bow.

Pope hits a sandbar, sending JJ and I flying into the water.

JJ and I float to the top, groaning. Him more than me but still.

" You okay JJ? Ken?" They all ask from the boat.

" I think my heels touched the back of my head." JJ replies.

" You big baby," I tell JJ. " I'm okay, I'm pretty sure JJ hit me though."

" Kie, you okay?" JB asks her.

" I'm alright." She responds , getting up.

" Pope, what did you do?" JJ asks him.

" It was a sandbar, the channel changed." Pope explains.

" No shit." JJ replies, anger seeping into his voice a little.

" Chill, JJ, it wasn't his fault." I say, both of us start swimming back to the boat.

" Ugh, this is probably gonna mess this whole place up." JB complains.

" Hey, I saved the beer though." JJ says proudly.

" Congrats JJ." John B replies unenthusiastically.

" Guys... I think there's a boat down there." Pope tells us.

" Shut up." John B tells him surprised.

" No way." Kie says, not believing him.

" No, guys. I'm serious. There's a boat down there. For real." Pope says.

" Holy shit, he's right, lets go." Kie says, taking off her shorts, while JB takes off his shirt and jumps in.

" You think there's a dead body down there?" Pope asks.

" Why would you say that?" I ask him, grossed out by the thought.

We all dive down there and look around for a second before we go back up for air.

" You guys saw that right?" JJ asks excitedly.

" Yeah" We all reply.

" That's a Grady White, a new one of those is like 500 G's, easy." JJ says while we all swim back to the boat.

" That's a primo rig." I add while getting back on the boat.

" That's the boat we saw when we surfed the surge." John B says while looking at me.

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