Chapter 32

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The next day, I wake up early, in his arms.

I just look at him for a few minutes before trying to sneak out of bed, wrapping one of the blankets around my naked body.

" Where are you going?" JJ asks me.

" The bathroom." I say.

" Come back to bed." He says.

" I can't, we are going to Heywards today with Kie and Pope." I tell him.

" I'm going to take a shower and get ready, after I'm done you can take a shower if you want." I tell him.

I take a shower and get dressed. I put on a red cropped t-shirt, jean shorts, and my black and white Chuck Taylors.

JJ gets ready and we head to Heyward's.

We get to Heyward's and start helping out.

" Don't let it get in your head bro." JJ tells Pope.

" Two of us, three of them. That's some typical Kook shit right there." JJ says.

" I was there too." I butt in.

" Sorry, three against two and a half." JJ mockingly corrects, making fun of my height even though I'm not that short, he's just tall.

" What was your thought process, using your head?" JJ asks.

" I don't know man, I just kinda acted off instinct." Pope says.

" I was a cornered animal." Pope explains.

" Hey, Pope. Someone's here to see you." Heyward says.

Then a cop walks in.

" Evening officer." Pop says, nervously.

" I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property." The cop says.

" What?" Heyward asks.

JJ, Pope, and I exchange a scared glance before putting our hands up.

" Shoupe, what'd he do?" Heyward asks the cop.

" Look at the warrant." The cop answers.

" You're just arresting my boy?" Heyward asks.

Everyone is talking over each other and then the cop puts the handcuffs on Pope.

Me and JJ look at each other and I know what he's about to do, and I know what I'm gonna do, because I can't let this ruin Pope's life.

The cop starts walking Pope out of the building and we all follow them.

The cops are about to put Pope in the squad car before JJ speaks up.

" It wasn't him!" JJ yells over everyone.

" It was me!" JJ yells.

" It was us!" I correct.

" He tried to talk us out of it, but we were mad because he had just gotten beat up." I say, walking toward them with JJ.

" We were so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that we lost our shit." JJ explains.

" We can't let you take the blame for something we did." I explain to Pope, looking him in the eyes.

" You've got too much to lose." JJ adds, also looking at Pope.

" What are you guys doing?" Pope asks.

" We're telling the truth." JJ answers.

" For once in our lives, we're telling the truth." I say.

" We took his old man's boat, too." I say, pointing to Heyward.

" What the hell?" Heyward asks angrily.

" Guys, come on." Pope says.

" Just shut up, Pope!" JJ yells.

" Just shut up." JJ repeats, calmer this time.

" He's a good kid." I say to the cop, pointing to Pope.

" You know where we're from." I say.

" Yeah." The cop says.

" This was all us." JJ says.

" That's the truth?" The cop asks Pope.

" Whole truth, swear to god." I say.

" I know what you think, damn it, I'm asking Pope." The cop says loudly, making me take a small step back, and JJ grabs my hand.

Pope stares at us in the eyes, and we stare back, silently pleading for him to agree with us.

" Yeah, that about covers it." Pope agrees, looking away from us.

I look back as the cop takes the handcuffs off of Pope, and I see Kie crying.

" My backpack." I say to her, because I have the left over stack of cash that I was saving for an emergency in there, and I think this qualifies as an emergency.

She looks confused but I don't have time to explain because JJ and I are then put into the car.

JJ and I are in the back seat when he speaks up.

" Why'd you do that?" JJ whispers to me.

" I couldn't let you do this alone." I explain, grabbing his hand, because he is wearing the handcuffs, I didn't get handcuffs because the cop only had one pair.

" I love you." I tell him, then I kiss him, hard.

" I love you too." He says while we pull away.

" Cut it out." The cop tells us, and we pull apart and then we just sit there, letting what we did settle in.

We finally get to the station and because they only have 1 giant cell, we are put in the same cell.

JJ and I sit down on the bench. We are both stressing out.

" Fuck." I mutter, then I just lean against the wall, closing my eyes.

After about 30 minutes, JJ gets taken away into an interview room by a cop. As soon as he leaves I feel the sting in my eyes.

" Son of a bitch!" I yell, angry at myself for breaking, angry that I feel the sting of tears.

" Shut up!" I hear a cop yell, but I can't see them.

" Fuck off!" I yell, standing up and starting to pace the room.

I stand still after a second, trying to put up another cold wall, an emotionless feeling, and trying to get it to wash over me, but my emotions are fighting the wall.

I tear rolls down my cheek and then finally, I feel the wave of cold wash over me, making me feel nothing.

I sit back down and just stare at the wall ahead of me.

A/N: Hi! I hope you're having a wonderful day. Please don't forget to vote and comment because they make me happy and I like knowing what you think of the story. Thank you for reading.

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