1 • "Why...Am I Here?"

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...Who is that...?

"...Hey! Wake up!..."

"Huh?!" I sat up in shock after my consciousness was regained. A high pitched voice shouted for me to wake up.

The first thing I noticed wasn't the fact that I woke up on a clean, cliffside beach. No, the first thing I noticed was the exotically dressed individuals sitting beside me.

"Phew... Paimon thought you were dead! Not everyone can fall out of the sky and stay alive, you know?" The child-like fairy spoke.

"A-Are you okay?" Other than the fairy, there was also a boy. He had blonde, braided hair, and fairly interesting clothing.

They both seem to look familiar.

Oh! Th-They...

Aren't they the two main characters from the popular mobile, PC and PS4 game,
Genshin Impact?

"Y-You both..." Was all I could manage to stutter out from the pure shock and excitement I was feeling.

"Huh? What about us?" Paimon asked.

"H-How did I... Get here?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"Well, you... Sort of fell from the sky..." The boy, whose name I know as Aether, said.

"Yeah! Paimon thought it was weird to see shooting stars during the day, until Paimon noticed that the 'shooting star' was falling straight down..."

"It was a real shock to find out that it wasn't just some rock, but a whole person! Thank God you somehow don't have any injuries." Aether said.

I was just speechless. First I find I am talking to characters from my favourite MMORPG, and next I find I got here by falling from the sky?

Please don't tell me next, I'm going to get elemental powers and start fighting like a badass. Although that actually would be really cool.

"I..." I finally managed to say, "I know both of you."

"Huh? We just met you a few moments ago!" The fairy said, confused.

"You're both characters from a game I love! You're Paimon," I pointed to the well known emergency food.

"And you're... Aether." I pointed to the blonde boy.

They both had a clear face of surprise and confusion.

"How did you know my name?" Aether asked.

"As I said, you're both main characters from a game called Genshin Impact! Of course I know your names!"

"Paimon thought you were just a bit cuckoo in the head, but now that you got Aether's name right..."

"I know all about you both. But what I don't know, is how I managed to get here."

"Well, at least that skips our introductions." Aether stood up and held out a hand to pull me up.

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