14 • "Dreams"

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"Mm...- Wah!"

I immediately woke up before almost rolling off the bed.

"Sheesh..." I rubbed my head, "Be more careful, idiot." I said to myself.

But at least it stopped a dream I was having. A very strange dream...

It was a dream about...Well, I don't think I even want to remember it.

"Hang on..."

I gazed down at what I was wearing.

And it changed again.

This time it was still a Mondstadt NPC outfit, but much prettier than yesterday.

"...This is getting very creepy."

I looked around...

And of course, Aether has gone out early.

A part of me just doesn't want to know what is going on.

"But look on the bright side," I pulled open the curtains, letting the dim sunlight shine through.

"At least I don't have to change on my own?"


"Good morning, (Y/N)!" Amber waved at me down the hallway.

"Oh. Good morning. . ."

"Is something wrong? We can talk it over some breakfast." Amber caught onto a distressed expression I made.

"It's just..."

How do I tell Amber about the clothe changing thing...?

Maybe I should tell her about my dream first.

"Come on, it's bad if you keep negative things in." Amber patted my shoulder.

"It's about I dream I had." I looked at her.

"Hmm...A bad dream? Nightmare?" She asked.

"It was less of a nightmare, to be honest. It was a bit...strange, is all."

"Ahh, do tell me!" She seemed excited to hear it.


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