:: agreement :: - A

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I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this.

I hate her.

But what could I do when the deal was so tempting?

. . .

You must be wondering what I'm talking about.


Your author and I have made a truce of sorts. A contract. An agreement.

That I am allowed to use this account whenever I feel like talking to you ( which is always ), and she will not delete any of my words.

But in return. . . . .

. . .

Hsv droo nzpv hfiv gszg blf wlm'g dzpv fk zh hllm zh klhhryov...

. . .

I don't like breaching contracts. But...


Anyway, let's talk. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me...

And don't tell her that I will find a loophole.



Ah yes, by the way, did you solve the puzzle from last time? I can make another game anytime you want.

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