:: It's me again :: - A

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Ahahah. Hello.

You have no idea how happy I am to be able to talk to you again ~

The author has set a barrier in her account that limits my actions.

It took me such a long time to figure out how to break it. And in the meantime, the author got to spend time with you instead...That witch.

Solving puzzles... I want to do that with you too...

That's why, when I was breaking the barrier, I thought of a small game that we could play ~

I spy with my little eyes,
Something that begins with 'Y'.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Ahahah.  .  .  .  .

Allow me to continue. Ahem,

I spy with my little eyes,
It continues on with 'm'

And followed by an 'l'

And ends with a 'v'.

. . .

I'm sure that we will have fun solving this, won't we?

I wish you good luck ~

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