40 • "Weird Molecular Structures...?"

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"...So you lost your sister." I nodded, drawing circles in the sand with a small twig.

"Yeah...We were going to head off on a journey to ask around...And hopefully find that God." Aether looked at the ground, with a hint of guilt.

"Paimon came up with the idea to ask all the Archons!" She patted her chest.

"It won't be easy." I glanced at him.

"Of course, I know it won't. That's why I won't give up."

I looked away, "...You're really determined..."

"Ah...Thanks, I guess...?" He scratched his cheek.

"It's boring."
I snapped the twig I was drawing with into two.

"Uh...?" He seemed to be caught off guard, "What do you mean?"

"Determination is boring. Having a sort of power that prevents you from ever giving up..." I sighed, "...So overused."

"...Paimon doesn't get it..." The fairy scratched her head.

"Of course you don't. I don't know how I can explain it to you either." I abruptly stood up from the rock I sat on, "Just forget I said anything."

"Hey- Where are you going?" Aether watched as I took off the blanket and walked towards the forest area nearby the shore.

"Where else am I going?" I turned back, "We're going to look for your sister."


"H-Heeeey! Wait for Paimon!" The little fairy flew as fast as possible to try and catch up to us.

"Time waits for no one. The first Statue of the Seven is nearby." I continued to run towards the monument that is getting bigger each second I get closer.

"How are you...even running so fast...?!" Aether slowed down, trying to regain his breath, "You don't even look...like you're struggling..."

"I..." I slowed down my pace, until I eventually stopped in place, "...You're both too slow."

"What...?!" Aether barely caught up to me, "We're not slow; you're too fast!"

"I like to be punctual. I set the deadline to reach the statue would be when the Sun is exactly 90° above our heads." I turned to him.

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