33 • "Sibling Rivalry."

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I took the street back to my cozy home, ever hoping that Albedo will surprise me with a visit.

Though I knew of the low chances of that even happening...

". . ."

I stopped in my tracks.

That's familiar.

Someone seems to be following me.


I turned my head around...And yet...

"Looks like I still don't know who you are..." I sighed, "But I'll have you know that Albedo won't be very happy to hear this." I said out loud.


And of course, what did I expect?

No response.


I only continued back to my home.

When Albedo comes back from work one day...I'll tell him about a stalker.

He surely knows how to get rid of people I find annoying...




"How was your ' expedition ', Master Diluc?" The Cavalry Captain said to him in a mocking tone.

"Don't talk to me." He glared.

The blue haired male only chuckled in response.


And it was silent...

Until the annoying Cavalry Captain decided to start pushing buttons again.

"So, who else have you decided to try and kill? Found anyone who might be threatening your oh-so precious darling?" He smirked.

Hearing this, Diluc's head snapped towards him with a sharp glare.

"Am I wrong? Are you afraid that your precious reputation will be scarred, when word gets out that the master of the Dawn Winery has commited several unsolved murders, and your darling will avoid you?"

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