// • "Nubis Caesor"

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:: Random Event ::

"Nubis Caesor"
Chongyun's small character event.

Reminder: Random Events will appear out of nowhere, just like in game. Random events are special events which feature a different bachelor every time, also including their yandere behaviour. But another reminder that any form of Yandere behaviour in real life is dangerous. Please enjoy.


"Hi, (Y/N)!! I'm so glad you came back!" Xiangling hugged me tightly.

"Y-Yeah, I did...." God save me, I'm about to suffocate...

"So! What would you like to have today? It's on the house, remember!" She let go of me.

"Umm, how about Noodles with Mountain Delicacies?"

"On it, on it! Guoba, it's cooking time!" Xiangling ran back into the kitchen. As usual, it was on the verge of burning down.

I sighed and sat down, waiting for my food. Out of subconsciousness, I fiddled with the pair of chopsticks on the table.

"Oh my Archon, Guoba! It's turned to charcoal!" Xiangling shouted from the kitchen. I quietly giggled at that. It was a bit funny in a way.

I waited for a bit longer. I knew she had to redo the whole thing because she accidentally burnt the last one.

"Phew... Here it is, (Y/N)! Noodles with Mountain Delicacies!" Xiangling reappeared from the kitchen and layed the plate on my table.

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem, you're a dear friend after all. It's time for me to clean up the kitchen, or my dad will get mad again..." She waved and ran back to the kitchen.

I sighed and looked at my food. Well, time to dig in! Let me use the chopstick techniques Zhongli thought me...

And all the while I felt someone staring right at me, hidden somewhere.


"Man, I'm stuffed! That was really good..." I put down my chopsticks on the now empty plate.

"Thank goodness you liked it! It's actually still a tiny bit burnt..." Xiangling nervously laughed.

I waved goodbye and headed off to my next destination.

"Bye-bye, (Y/N)!" Xiangling waved, taking my plate and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash.


"She left, you can come out now!" Xiangling said, as she put the utensils in the sink.

"She's gone...Phew..." The blue haired male exited the cupboard.

"My Archons, Chongyun. When will you ever stop hiding there? Like, what if the kitchen burns down and you're there?"

"Then I'll hide somewhere else!"


She washed the dishes carefully, not to leave any dirt.

"...Hm?" She frantically looked around, as if searching for something important.

"What is it?"

"The pair of chopsticks are missing..." She ducked to look under the table.

"Maybe you forgot to take it in?"

"No, no, I remember clearly that I brought everything into th kitchen. If it fell, I would've heard!" She was starting to feel a bit restless.

"Calm down, it's just a pair of chopsticks. You can just get another pair." The blue haired male reassured.

"*Sigh*, you're right, I guess. Shame I won't know where it went..."


"Yes...A new addition to the shrine..."

A certain blue haired boy stood before a glass window cabinet filled with what he called precious artifacts. Those artifacts are actually nothing but trash he picked up from a girl he liked.

Fallen hairs, eating utensils, cut nail, unfinished apple...

He placed the pair of chopsticks on an empty part of the shrine, still with the sauce of the noodles on it.

"Now to record it..."

He wrote about the pair of chopsticks in a notebook, as if preserving the memory that of which he took it.

"The pair of chopsticks she used to eat one of my favourite dishes: Noodles with Mountain Delicacies. It still has the sauce on it, and possibly traces of her saliva..."

He finished writing and closed the book while smiling to himself.

"One day this shrine will be full. On that day, maybe I c-can confess...? I-I can't imagine..."


Random Chapter: Chongyun, Keeper
"Nubis Caesor"



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