20 • "But Another Target Will Appear."

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I heard a voice.

"Hello? (Y/N)?"

It was a very soft voice.

"Are you awake?"

I slowly fluttered my eyes open. Thank goodness, the light in the room was very dim...


My mind was fuzzy.

"Oh, thank Archons you're okay! You suffered a rather serious injury out in the wild." She told me, gesturing to my now bandaged neck.


That's right.

...A Mitachurl's axe must've landed a hit, right?

"One of the Knights carried you here. Guy, was his name? And then after that, he went back to standing guard at the gate..." Barbara told me, but my blurry head couldn't pay much attention.

"Oh, that's right! Guy said that someone wanted to give you a letter too! It's right here." Barbara took a letter from the table beside your bed, "Do you want me to read it to you?"

I blinked, and shook my head.

"No thank you, I'll try to read it myself." I smiled.

"Oh, are you sure...? Don't strain yourself. You just woke up." She handed me the letter.

I nodded, and slowly opened the neatly packaged envelope, to see a small note inside, words written in messy handwriting.

"Dear (Y/N),

I haven't gotten to wear the flower crown you were making for me. But please continue to wear the one I gave you. Thank you ~ .

- Aet̵̛͍͕̟̥̜̘̱́̾͐̕h̷̢̨̻͕̿e̷̲͖̥̪͝r̴̨̈͋͑͗̎͝͝͝ "

The signature was scratched out.

I stared blankly at the letter.

"...What flower crown?"

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