// • "What If You Rewrote a Poem's Story?"

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Event Chapter Unlocked:
"What if you Rewrote a Poem Story?"


Event Chapters are not related with the main storyline in any way.

Please enjoy.


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"Hm Hm..."

A green-clothed bard skipped leisurely in the quiet forest, where only the sound of the soft breeze can be heard blowing through the crunching leaves.

"The bard travelled joyfully through the woods..."

He sang, as he shot an arrow towards a wandering hilichurl, it's mask bursting into a pool of blood, as the hilichurl limply fell to the ground.

"...Killing every monster that he could."

He shot an Anemo infused bow towards an oblivious slime, which exploded into blood that swirled in the wind.

"He was on his way to find a girl,"

He continued with his poem thought out on-the-spot, with a grin in his face.

"Whose eyes shined brightly like smooth pearl."

He shot an arrow to another hilichurl, blood staining the grass as he merely watched the suffering of the creature, slowly dying.

"...With every creature being his target..."

He came across a hilichurl camp, where the monsters are only savouring life, minding their own business.

"Hehe..." He raised his bow, with the top of the arrow absorbing the wind from his surroundings, "Prepare for takeoff!"

With the shot of an arrow, a large vortex of howling winds invaded the peace of the hilichurl camp.

Slowly but surely, the winds ripped the monsters of their skin, as blood poured out, colouring the vortex with a crimson colour, that also splattered all over the ground in a large area.

"...The bard painted the ground red as her carpet."

He watched as the hilichurls simply...laid lifelessly on the ground, as red substance seeped from their torn skin. He wore a blank expression, devoid of all emotion.

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