12 • "Knights' Meeting"

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"Rise and shine, sunflower pine!"

I was startled awake by the bright lights of the sun seeping through the windows,

And none other than Aether himself, standing by the bed, looking ready to smack my face with a pillow.

...It wasn't a dream?

"Ah! Good morning...!"

"Did you sleep well?"

...It wasn't a dream!

"I...I slept like a log, I did!"

I really get to have another day in Genshin Impact?

"The others are already going out to this place called 'Good Hunter' to have breakfast. Amber needs to introduce us to the Acting Grand Master, so you need to get ready!"

Acting Grand Master...


Dandelion Tights...

"(Y/N)? Are you spacing out?" Aether laughed.

"Ah! Let's get going!"

I hopped out of bed and looked around.
I was already in my clothes...Not exactly mine but...

Hang on, wasn't I in pyjamas when I slept?

And this outfit isn't even the Lumine-lookalike one... It's completely different, but it still looks cool! It fits for an adventurer...

(Imagine Mondstadt female NPC outfit)

Big question is, how did I change out of my pyjamas?

Was it A-Aether who changed me?

Or did I change it on my own?

Or maybe it's a game thing?

At least I have to brush my teeth and all that, right?

...Why do my teeth feel like they're already brushed? I can sense the refreshing feeling you feel after washing away the toothpaste...

What's going on?

"(Y/N)? Are you sure you aren't spacing out?" Aether tapped on my shoulder, startling me a bit.

"A-Ah! ...Maybe it's just the after-wake grogginess..." I nervously laughed, looking away.

Well, not like I know where the bathroom is anyway. I suppose I can leave without doing all that.

"Do you have anything to prepare?"

"My body and mind are all I need. Let's go!"


Mondstadt in the morning feels...How do I put it...?

It feels so free.

The morning breeze is really cool, and the smell of steak is what's making my day go on a good start.

I need you.  [ Yandere Genshin Impact Males × Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now