Ending 1 • "Wake Up...!"

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"Do you remember me?"

The alchemist found himself saying this phrase many times over the course of this experiment.

Well, ' experiment ' isn't exactly the word he would use for this...


It's a one-time thing.

If he messes up once,

He cannot redo it. He will live the rest of his unending life in guilt and sorrow.


"The most ideal result is that you remember me when you wake up..."

He sighed.

After observing the anomaly in this dream, he was a bit unsure.

He was unsure if his experiment was even on track anymore.


"Every single result..." He shook his head, "You end up...having another dream. Again. And again. And again..."

He was almost on the verge of giving up.

Almost on the verge of breaking down in tears.

"Even after everyone I've sacrificed..."

He went quiet.

"...No one is here anymore. It's only you and me..."

The modern city was filled with bright lights all around, and yet on the once bustling road...

There don't seem to be much cars anymore.

Nextdoor neighbours? They're not there anymore either.

It's so quiet...

"Have I been wrong this entire time? Did I really put you through emotional torment just for this...disappointing result...?"

He locked himself away from the rest of the world, in his tiny little apartment where he used all the technology he had to make someone dear to him wake up.

...This was all his fault, wasn't it?


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