26 • "Happy Birthday."

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No one was inside the room. . .

No one...?

The room was littered with papers and notes, books were scrawled all over the desk.


I wasn't able to make a sound.

I was practically frozen in place.


What is happening?

Why isn't anyone here?

"He...went out for a drink, right?" I blinked, "Right? I must be overreacting..."

I slowly moved my feet to walk in the note-littered room. The papers crunched under my shoes as I made my way to the desk.

I shuffled the books around, and suddenly, something caught my eye, "What's this...?"

It was a note.

He writes so many notes.

Though this one in particular, says,

"Time skip: Next week.
Kill Target."


I beg your pardon...

"Kill target...?!"

My brain has officially stopped working.

"What...?" I shuffled around in the books more, hoping to find a clue about who this ' target ' is, "Albedo, you..."

Finally, from pushing books and papers away, I found something buried underneath...


I found a series of papers that had a structured drawings on them, each filled to the brim with the slightest of details.

"Mondstadt Gates..." This drawing was of the front gates of Mondstadt, with beautiful decorations neatly drawn over. The bridge was also decorated with flowers and ribbons.

"Mondstadt Shopping District..." This drawing was of the shopping district downtown. A carpet was drawn over the ground, and Dandelions grew on every flower pot.

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