11 • "HQ Sweet HQ"

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"Oh, (Y/N)! You're alright!" Amber came running at me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Y-Yes- I'm fine."
Nearly suffocating.

"P-Paimon thought you were done for the moment we couldn't find you anywhere in Mondstadt!" Paimon shivered.

"Relax, she's back in one piece, isn't she?" Kaeya smiled.

"At least I think I am." I laughed. I hope there's no plot twist that I'm actually already dead...

(A/N: she's not don't worry.)

"Those Treasure Hoarders have really stepped out of their bounds, huh? What did they even kidnap you for...?" Amber wondered.

"The most likely reason is ransom money...But my intuition is telling me there is something deeper going on here." Kaeya rubbed his chin, "Kidnapping is something they've never done before."

"But, since they've done it already, isn't the whole of Mondstadt technically in danger?! Anyone could be kidnapped at anytime!" Paimon said.

"The Knights will do their best to protect every citizen! That much, I can promise you." Amber saluted.

"It's like (Y/N)'s kidnapping was almost a sort of warning from them...Or is it?" Aether wondered.

"The fox kills the chicken to warn the monkey...Who is the monkey?" Kaeya smirked, "But, all of that, we can leave for tomorrow's discussion. We all need sleep now, don't we?"

"Ah, yes! Don't worry, (Y/N)! I've made sure the windows are locked tightly, and the curtains are closed! I doubt they will try again on the same night anyway." Amber gave a thumbs up.

"Hey, hold on." Aether spoke up, as we all looked towards him.

"How can I really trust that this won't happen again? You managed to get (Y/N) kidnapped- even when in the same room as her."

Amber stayed silent.

"Aether, I get your doubts. Our first impressions weren't that of a professional Knight." Kaeya said.

"And I don't plan on giving any second chances. From tonight onwards, (Y/N) is sleeping in my room. I'd do a better job keeping her safe than any of you." He held my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey, what about Paimon?"

"You're staying with Amber. And that's final."
I heard him mumble something under his breath, but it was unclear. And I don't think I'd want to know either.

"... We're going to sleep now." Aether pulled me to his room.

"H-Hey!" As I nearly tripped while trying to keep up.

The rest of then were silent.

"...Paimon...Are they really siblings?" Amber asked.

"They're not...They've only met, like, this morning! But Aether already seems so attached to her...She must really remind him of his own sister."

"That explains it...But he seems so aggressive...Is he always like that too?"

"From the time Paimon knew him...No, Aether was a really nice friend! But now..."

The door shut.

"Aether's changed."


The sight of a bed was enough to make me tired.

"(Y/N), you must be feeling really exhausted from everything that happened, huh? Let's sleep. I-I can sleep on the chair, and you can have the bed!"

Though I felt a little bad for him, I was too tired to complain.

I fell straight onto the bed, and felt my eyes closing.

I hope...This all isn't just a dream, and I'll wake up in my own world after this...

Can I just spend more time here?

Just a little more time?

"Sweet dreams, (Y/N)..."


"That boy...And the girl too...Something is up with both of them, and I feel like I know exactly what it is."


Chapter 1: The Mondstadtians


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I've decided that all the quotes at the end, I want you all of guess who said it! And at the end of the story (the entire book, excluding the events) I'll list all the answers and you can see which ones you got right.

A lot of people thought the previous one was Diluc, but....

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