Mid-Autumn Sp. • "Sea of Lanterns"

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Event Chapter Unlocked:
"Sea of Lanterns"


Event Chapters are not related to the main storyline in any way.

Another Note:
Love interests will now show their yandere tendencies. (About time lol).

And another thing, if (Y/N) seems to be different, that must be someone's doing...not mine ~ ;)

Please enjoy.


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"My lady, here you are."

Xingqiu gently placed a small Seelie shaped lantern in my hands.

"What? What for?" I blinked in confusion.

"Tonight is the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Similar to the Lantern Rite, it involves lanterns all around. Yet, instead of releasing them into the air, we carry them around town, and slowly exchanging them with other people."

(The Moonchase Festival might actually be the Teyvat counterpart of the Mid-Autumn Festival, since it's nearby, but anyway.)

(Also, this is not meant to directly represent the Mid-Autumn Festival in real life! Please take note, as this is just a work of fiction.)

"Exchange them...And then...?"

"And then..." He leaned closer and whispered into my ear,

"Whoever ends up with your lantern once midnight strikes, is said to be your soulmate, and you shall spend the rest of the year together..."

A chill ran down my spine, as he stood back.

"Xingqiu, that sounded so scary! Don't do it again."

"Ahaha! My apologies, my lady." He cleared his throat, "But, anyway, there are certain rules you must follow during this."

"Such as...?"

"You are allowed to wander the streets of Liyue on this night, and there will be a lot of stalls where you can buy quite a few things. And it all depends on what kind of lantern you hold. If your current lantern caters to a vendor's liking, you may exchange your lantern for theirs, and buy whatever you may like."

"So, it's practically a kind of game...!" I smiled, "Hey, that sounds fun!"

"Another rule, is that you may not pair with another person. There is a starting point for each district in Liyue Harbor, and you may not have a partner with you in the same starting point."

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