23 • "Trio of Friendship."

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"Ah! Good evening, (Y/N)! I'm so sorry I couldn't visit you sooner, I had to do patrols, and then there were a bunch of hilichurl camps, and then one thing led to another..."

A girl clad in red sat beside me, rambling on about her day. A small fairy floated beside her, nodding on and adding to her words.

"Ooh, that's right! After that, though, we found a whole ton of raw meat in one of the camps, so Amber cooked them all into steak! Ahh, Paimon's tummy feels hungry just remembering it!" The little fairy licked her lips.

"Paimon ate almost all of them! And I only got two! Scold her, (Y/N)!" Amber whined.

"What?! You were the one who said I could eat as much as I want!" Paimon shouted back.

"No I didn't! You were the one who just gobbled everything up like acid!"

The two bickered loudly, much to my annoyance.

"You both, be quiet! This is an infirmary, people are trying to sleep!" I scolded.


The two fell silent after that.

"Sorry, (Y/N)." They apologized in unison.

"Sounds about right." I nodded, "Speak less loudly."

"Okay...So, I just remembered something, actually." Amber said, pulling something out of her pocket.


"Here! Albedo sent me to give this to you because he was busy working on the festival organising for you!" Amber handed me a note, with handwriting that looked ever so tidy.

"What's this...?"

I took the letter and read. . .

"4) Gate decor
7) Apple cider
15) Mondstadt grilled fish
11) windwheel Aster
3) satisfYing salad
1) Apples
10) radish veggie soUp
16) caLla lily
2) fisHerman's toast
17) dandelion wiMe
14) wolfhOOk juice
5) Invigorating pizza
6) sticky hOney roast
13) goUlash
8) Tea-break pancake
9) Radish
12) Cecilia

Help me get these."


I stared at the note in utter confusion.

"What's it say?" Paimon asked.

"...Here." I handed the note to them as I contemplated life.

Not only are the uppercases in the wrong letters, but it's not in order, under the disguise of neat handwriting...!

What are you trying to tell me, Albedo...?!

"Is this a shopping list? Why does it look so funky?" Amber asked.

"Go and ask Albedo about that."

"Another thing is that, you can't leave the infirmary until the church lets you, right? How will you get the stuff?" Amber frowned.

"Sounds to me like someone's trying to slack off." Paimon huffed and crossed her small arms.

"Don't talk about Albedo like that." I glared at her.

"What? I'm just saying."

"We'll have to figure out how to ask Barbara to let you out tomorrow morning. She will never let people out when they're not fully healed yet." Amber said.

"When you word it like that, Amber, she sounds like a nightmare demon..." Paimon shuddered at the thought.

"Oops..." She giggled, "Anyway, you can use this letter as an excuse to escape! Hopefully, at least."

"Stop making it sound like (Y/N) is a p-prisoner in a demon's lair...!" Paimon hid behind Amber.

"Oops...again..." Amber laughed once more.

"I'll try to convince her. Don't underestimate my persuasion skills!" I pumped my fist forward.

"Go go, (Y/N)!" Amber cheered.

"Knock Knock"

Someone knocked lightly on the door.

"E-Eh?" Amber blinked, "Who is it?"

"It's Barbara. I have everyone's dinner ready...!"

"Oh, come in." I called.

"This is our cue to leave!" Amber winked, dragging Paimon with her towards the door.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)!" She waved, as Barbara opened the door.

"O-Oh, Outrider! Farewell." She waved.

After everyone said their goodbyes, Barbara closed the door, with a big box in her hands.

"Today, we have Mondstadt Hash Browns!" Barbara announced.


Chapter 3: Bard of the Breeze.

To be Continued...

"Don't forget the '

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"Don't forget the ' . ' between each word."

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