22 • "Swooped By The Wind"

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...Will my days for the next week only consist of being unable to do hard work...?

Laying down on a bed, waiting for my neck to heal...

...Not that I don't trust Albedo to be able to organise a festival properly because his forte is in alchemy.

But Albedo does have amazing art skills, as seen by the portrait he drew of me.


All of a sudden, the wind blew harshly through the window, as the curtains danced to its rhythm.

It was a nice breeze...

But something broke the peace once the noise of someone's sole tapping against the windowsill sounded through my ears.


I looked towards it to see a boy in green hopping through the window ever so gracefully.

"4̷̮̮̹̝̿̐̃̍͆y̵̨͚̬̹̰̳͂́͆̽̒̋̓͂͝ĝ̸̢̘͚̬͉̓x̸̧̱̒͒k̶͕̍͛̐́̑͝4̶̼̺̙̬͖͐̀̒͋̈́̇̄͝͝.̶̧̛̥̩̤͉͇͚̳͇͑̊̔̏̔ë̷̡̧͖̣̠̜̝̟̖́̇͂q̸̡̳̦̥̘͈͙̙̺͌̓k̸̢͙̙͙͛̅͝k̶̢̨̩̲̖̹̈̎̌̉̒́̾̋̕r̴̪̠̄̈́͛͝.̵̢̌ȩ̵̡͖̭̗͎́͜ǧ̷̨̢̘̟̙̠̰̘͍̊̾́̀̕͝ "

He tried to speak but the wind blew even harder, masking his voice.

"Venti." I blinked.

Hang on...Isn't he...?

"Whoo. Now that the wind has settled..." He skipped towards my bed, and sat down beside me.

"Wait. Venti..." I looked at him, "Are you not...Injured?"

The time we went to rescue Nimrod, he...

"Injured? Silly you. You should be more worried about yourself!" He grinned at me, gesturing at my neck.

"This injury isn't as worse as what I saw you had that day." I slowly tried to bring myself up to a sitting position.

"Ack-" I stopped immediately as I accidentally stretch the wound of my neck, just by a little bit.

"See? Take it easy on yourself." He pulled me up.

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