13.3 • "The Mondstadtians, Angel's Share"

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"Eury?" Bennett turned around to see who spoke.

"I can't find him anywhere, not even in the tavern! Does anyone know where he is...?" Eury looked like she was about to cry.

"C-Calm down, Eury! What happened?" I asked.

"Okay, okay..." She took a deep breath, "So today, Nimrod promised me that we would go out to the wilderness to pick some fruits, do fishing...Just something for us to connect with each other."

"Uh huh?" I nodded.

"And guess what? He didn't arrive at all to our meeting spot in Windrise, so I thought that that rascal must have snuck off to the tavern again! I knew he'd go back on his words!"

"Go on." Aether said.

"But then when I got to the tavern, I couldn't find Nimrod anywhere at all! I asked the bartender, searched the back alleys, but I still couldn't find a single clue as to where he is!"

"(Y/N), remember when you mentioned something about being a detective?" Bennett nudged me.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

I smirked, "Of course...!"

I turned to Eury, "We can help you try to find him!"

"O-Oh? Really? Thank you so much...!" She put her hands together in a prayer.

"We should check the tavern you mentioned. Maybe there are some things that you've missed." Aether said.

"Oh yeah! Count this as part of your tour! Our next stop is the Angel's Share Tavern!" Bennett pumped his fist in the air.

"Good luck...!" Sucrose cheered.


"Hello?" Bennett cautiously opened the door.

Just as he did, music played through the cracks and soothing, orange light shone.

"Welcome to the Angel's Share Tavern. You seem too young to drink, though." The bartender, Charles spoke.

"Hi...!" I waved.

"We're not here to drink. We're here to investigate something." Aether said, walking inside.

"Investigate...what exactly?" He asked.

"Have you seen a person named Nimrod here?" I asked.

"Nimrod? ...Eury must have asked you to help her, right? She came and asked me just earlier."

"Well, we volunteered to help her. She's Nimrod's wife!"

"Well sadly, I can't really help you. Nimrod has never stepped foot in the tavern today, strangely enough." He shook his head.

"How do we know you're not hiding him, though?" Aether asked.

"You can trust me."

"Well when you think about it, what does he really gain from hiding him? Not like Nimrod promised to pay his tab for it or something." I said.

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