6 • "A Silly Misunderstanding"

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Aether helped me free my hands too, cutting open the ropes swiftly with the sword of questionable sharpness.

"How did you block that? Doesn't matter... Go, go, Baron Bunny!" Amber threw out her signature explosive doll, for what? We're not as dumb as hilichurls to fall for the taunt...

...Is what I thought before I saw her aim at Baron Bunny's feet.

"Uh oh, duck, Aether, duck!" I squatted down, covering my head and waiting for the impending doom of explosion.

"I'll... Protect..." Aether tried to summon a wind barrier but it's taking a lot of elemental energy for that, and he looks a bit tired with lack of elemental training.

"Aether no-"


Amber snapped her head towards the direction of the shout, as did Aether and I.


Amber accidentally let go of the arrow she held out of shock and...


"Aether... You know you haven't trained for using elemental attacks and stuff and you still strained yourself." I wiped the ash off his face.

Aether took most of the blow for me, and he's ended with worse injuries, especially to his arms. God forbid Amber accidentally detonate Baron Bunny like that again.

"Once again, I'm so so sorry for my misunderstanding!" Amber continued to bow at us, asking for forgiveness.

"It's okay, Amber, it's okay!" I told her.

"Outrider Amber, if I'm honest I would have made that mistake too if I were you." Kaeya told her.


"But you executed my the plan I told you perfectly. For that I give you my praise." Kaeya clapped his hands.

"I did, didn't I?" Amber smiled.

"Oh man, if it weren't for Paimon, you two would've been done for!" She put her hands on her hips.

"Thank you, Paimon." I laughed. Aether nodded along, wincing at the pain on his face.

"Hey, I haven't formally introduced him yet." Amber cleared her throat.

"This is Kaeya, the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. Thanks to him, your injuries from the explosion weren't that serious."

"Nice to meet you! I'm (Y/N). And this is Aether." Aether nodded along.

"And Paimon's, well, Paimon!"

"Emergency food..." Aether whispered to me, as I silently giggled.

"So as an apology for my outburst, let me treat you to some Sticky Honey Roast at Good Hunter!" Amber said.

Paimon gasped, "Sticky Honey Roast! Finally!"

"Oh, Amber... Are you forgetting about your duty?" Kaeya asked, eyeing the Outrider.

"Oh, uh..."

"Well then, we'll discuss it over some Sticky Honey Roast. These travelers here seem like they are interested too." He looked at us, who had an expectant look on our faces. The story wasn't going how it should, and that's worth worry.


"The most beautiful friendships are formed in the strangest circumstances. Unfortunately however, this friendship won't last too long."


Chapter 1: The Mondstadtians


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