:: something about comments ::

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Right just now I saw some comments in the chapter "Knights' Meeting", and I feel like I should like...address it, if that's what I'm doing right now?

What I'm talking about is a paragraph where Kaeya was saying "The fox kills the chicken to warn the monkey...But who is the monkey?"

And a lot of people were saying that the monkey was Kaeya, and at first I was really confused (And I still kinda am, someone pls explain.)

And after the wave of people saying "U" then came the wave of people saying that the people who commented them are racist. (because Kaeya is dark skinned, but I really still don't get tf is happening)

So what I wanna say is that, basically, just don't be racist you know, even if you somehow are, don't show it at all.

But another thing is that a lot of people also see Kaeya as purely a tan person, and not a person of colour, and I really don't have any problems with anyone's headcannons so as long as you don't force people to believe them either.

Buuuut...even if you see Kaeya as a tan person, a little advise is that maybe you shouldn't make comments on a person's skin colour, lest you offend someone.

I don't really have an opinion on this, because I have no idea what's happening, but I do not want to condone racism in the comments if that's what was happening.

At first I just wanted to comment on the same paragraph but I felt like not much people would pay attention so I decided to make a chapter for it.

Thank you for reading! And hopefully there won't be kinda controversial stuff like this in the comments, or comments in any other book too. It wasn't a HUGE deal, but I still felt like talking about it.

(P.S: Please I still don't know what is happening if anyone can explain please and thank you!)

Edit, please read: a few people have said that it turns out that people mean it in a way that's saying Kaeya is silly (like how a monkey would usually act). That's most likely how most people intended it to be and a lot of people misinterpreted but I can't deny the existence of actual racist comments in there.

So I'll leave this chapter here as a sort of PSA for future readers so that they know about basic commenting etiquette. Thank you for reading!

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