10 • "Hot Tavern Owner"

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I felt very...hot.

Like I was burning...

Like I was in...Natlan...or something. It's so hot...

"Ouch!" My eyes immediately shot wide open once I felt the burning touch of fire against my bare skin.

"What the-"

I sat up on the ground, too shocked to do anything. The area around me was all engulfed in burning flames, burning the building away.

"H-Huh?! Is the HQ on fire?!"

As I sat on the ground, flames surrounding me with no chance of escape, I heard shouts,

"How the hell did you lose her?! We can't find anything in these flames!"

"Yeah! If she dies here, then the boss will...!"

Hang on...

"I was...kidnapped... wasn't I? So this isn't the HQ...Oh crap, then this is even worse than I expected!"

Beyond the flames I could see anything at all. Will I just...burn to death here?

Guess this is it for me...


I hugged my knees as I sat of the dirty ground.

And for some reason, I couldn't cry. Am I just not feeling scared, or are the flames evaporating my tears?

"Where is she?"

My ears perked up at an arrogant, unfamiliar voice.

"W-Who are you talkin' abou-"

"Don't play dumb with me. Where did you keep your hostage?"

"What hostage?! We've got no hostage! We lost her- Uh!"

"You're gonna be handed to Mondstadt Prison either way. Tell me where she is or this building won't be the only thing I burn down."

I started to feel drowsy, all the smoke from the flames were stopping me from breathing properly...

I can't leave, either.

The flames seemed like it was going to burn me, yet, the flames stopped there, beside me. It was hot, yes, but no matter how much the flames tried, I couldn't feel a single burn.

Almost as if I was being protected somehow...

"...G-Gotta report to the boss! Talk to ya soon, Master Diluc-!"


The burning air of my surroundings were immediately blown away by a chilling breeze...!

And the smoke was gone, along with the howling fires that threatened me.

All that was left is steam, as I sat by a wall, hugging my knees, unable to process the situation as fast as I was supposed to.

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