// • "You're Just Like Him!" #2

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"I... Think I'll go with Xiao." I nervously made up my mind. How did I even get in this situation in the first place? Why does everyone want to share a room with me??

"Ehe, see? I knew you'd want to pick me!" Said male slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Ah, if that's your choice, so be it, my lady." Albedo sighed.

"Grr." Venti glared at Xiao.


"I'm going to my room then." He walked to the stairs, feeling pretty salty.

"Wait, how do you know which is your-" "Silence." He snapped his head to Albedo, giving his last glare. Without another word, he walked his way upstairs, his cold face still staying.

"... I'm sorry, am I the one who caused this atmosphere?" I asked.

"No need to worry, (Y/N). It'll work out, no? That's what you always told me." Diluc smiled. Same charming smile as Kaeya.

"I suppose we should choose who we want to be roommates with now then. Xiao and (Y/N) are off limits." Xingqiu said, "I suggest we stay with the person we switched personalities with."

"Good idea, Razor likes!"

"Then, I'm staying with Razor?" Bennett asked.

"I'm with Xingqiu. Nice having you, my liege."

"..." And cue Kaeya and Diluc glaring at each other again. Maybe it's a bad idea to let them stay in the same room.

"Wait, but what about Venti?" I reminded. "No one's sharing a room with Venti, and there's only four rooms." That's when I feel like I screwed up somehow.

"Uh... Maybe one room will have three people?" Bennett suggested.

"But, will Venti want to stay with whoever that'll be? Considering his personality is now Xiao's, it doesn't seem like he'll be too tolerant." I said.

"We'll have to discuss with him, then. Either that, or he won't have a room." Xingqiu said. "Well then, let's pick our rooms now."

"Yes, let's go, (Y/N)!" Xiao pulled my arm, almost dragging me up the stairs.

"W-Woah, slow down!"


"Aww, a bunk bed?" Xiao whined as we opened the door we choose. It was a pretty standard room, I have no idea why Diluc has guest bedrooms in a winery.

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