13.2 • "The Mondstadtians, Civilians"

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"Hi, Blanche!" Bennett waved his hand. He seems to be really good buddies with a bunch of people here.

"Good day, Bennett! You've brought some friends along today?" She asked.

"Yup! I'm taking them to look around!" He turned to us.

"Hello, I'm Blanche. I run Mondstadt's General Goods, and we restock daily! Please come by if you would like to buy anything!" She smiled.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Alrighty, next stop, is Good Hunter! You're gonna love the food there. I eat there everyday, you can never get enough! Follow me!"

Bennett ran the opposite direction, towards the restaurant that we ate at this morning.

And of course, we followed along.

"Hi, Sara!" Bennett grinned.

"Hello, Bennett. Here for some take-out?" The cook smiled.

"Oh, not really. Although that does sound good... I'm just taking my new friends to see around!" Bennett gestured at us.

"Ah! You both are the ones invited by the Acting Grand Master this morning, right? Would any of you like to order anything?"

"One Fisherman's Toast, please." Aether put a few Mora on the counter.

"Coming right up!" She went back to the kitchen.

"What about you, though? Aren't you hungry? Why only one?" I asked.

"I'm not very hungry...We ate a lot during breakfast." He closed his eyes.

"If you say so..."

"Here's one Fisherman's Toast! Thank you for the payment, please enjoy!" Sara handed us a plate of the food we ordered. The fragrance wafted through the air. This could easily make one like Paimon drool.

"Fast and tasty! Now that's what I call good customer service!" Bennett smiled.

I sat down on the nearest chair and took a bite out of it.


My eyes sparkled with delight.

"T-This is amazing!"
I exclaimed.

"Told you so!" Bennett laughed.
"You can eat while we continue walking around! Let's go now!"

"Of course!" I nodded happily.


"Our next stop is 'With Wind Comes Glory'! It's a souvenir shop where you can buy all kinds of cool stuff!" Bennett explained.

"Hi, Marjorie!" He greeted the woman standing in front of the door.

"Why hello there! Seems like you've brought some friends to come along too?" She smiled.

"Here at With Wind Comes Glory, we sell all kinds of treasures brought back by adventurers from all kinds of places! Please take your time to see what you'd like."

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