// • "Fantasy People in Modern World"

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Event Chapter Unlocked:

"Fantasy People in Modern World"

Reminder: Event Chapters are not to be associated with the main storyline, nor will it contain any yandere content, but will still contain romance, if male characters are involved. Please enjoy.


"Ugh... Aether... Leave me be... I need to meet Albedo..." I tiredly tried to free myself from the restraint that is, Aether's hug.

"No, no, no, not anymore, (Y/N). It's been two times already, you leave to see Albedo's new invention, and end up getting caught in some sort of trouble." He just won't let go.

"Aether come on, it was literally only one time, what are you on??" I desperately reached for the doorknob but my arms, they're too short.

"Doesn't matter, I won't let you get into that again." With that, he hugged me even tighter, almost suffocating me.

"...! Ae-Aether...! Da..mn, I'm... suffo...cating..." I was literally dying at this point, is Aether really this heartless?

"No." He lightened the hug but still won't let me go.

"Come on, if you love me let me gooo-"


"I promised him..."


"I'll bring back a souvenir-"


"You can come with me-"

"No- wait, that's actually a good idea."

With that, he let go of me to do something as I silently cheered. Persuasion, baby!

I waited for a while or he'll go crazy if I sneak out. He came out of his room soon with his bag.

"I'm going to see Albedo with you, but if he tries anythi- I mean, if anything happens, we're coming straight back, okay?"

"Fine..." Aether best brother huh. He actually sounds like an overprotective Mom if I'm honest.

Off to Albedo's lab we go!


"Albedo, I'm here!" I greeted as me and Aether walked in.

"(Y/N), you're here. With... Your brother figure. I thought I told you to come alone?" I swear I saw an irk mark on Aether's forehead at the word 'brother figure'.

"Um well, you see... Aether wouldn't-"

"(Y/N) doesn't trust you from last time that she'll be safe in your hands. So she wanted me to come along. Isn't that right, (Y/N)?" He looked at me, with a face that says 'dont say otherwise'.

"Uhh, yeah...! Totally..." Thank God I knew Albedo was smart enough not to fall for the obvious gaslighting. (Correct word? Or should I just use 'lie')

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