7 • "The Treasure Hoarder Trouble"

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"Yum yum, finally, Sticky Honey Roast for dinner!" Paimon greedily munched in on the meat, which was a treat from Amber. (No offense to vegans)

"Wait so, Amber, you said we were gonna discuss something?" I asked, sipping some water.

"Well, yes. You seem trustworthy enough for us to tell you, at least."

"But, should we be discussing this out in the open?" Aether asked.

"I suppose it's fine, it's nothing exactly confidential. A good number of citizens already know about this anyway."

Aether and I nodded in sync, as a gesture for her to start.

"Okay so, there has actually been a massive amount of cases of Treasure Hoarder ambushes and sneaks in Mondstadt. From our experiences of those particular cases, a lot of them seem to find the most bizarre ways to sneak in and steal whatever they could find." She told us.

"That includes plain ninja style sneaking, diversions, ambushes of course, and disguises." Kaeya added.

"Yeah, that's why we've got to keep our guards up the whole time. And, that's why I managed to mistake you for one of them... Ehehe..." Amber rubbed her head in embarrassment.

"Suppose you came at a really tough time. My sincerest apologies." Kaeya said.

"No need to be sorry... But my question is, why would Treasure Hoarders do that?" I tapped my chin.

"Huh? Whaddya mean? They're Treasure Hoarders, of course they're gonna steal!" Paimon said 'as-a-matter-of-fact'ly.

"No no, I mean, what are they going to steal here? I've never heard Mondstadt having any extremely valuable, sell-able treasures. If I'm honest, it would be better to steal from Liyue Harbor of Dawn Winery for that matter!"

Oh yeah, I forgot about the Holy Lyre der Himmel, but that doesn't look sell-able.

Amber looked surprised at this, "Hmm, now that I think, that is somewhat off."

"What if, they received news that we have something from some information source? It's either they have a prophet intel, or they were simply fooled, because we have no such treasure." Kaeya said.

"Certainly strange indeed..." Paimon thought.

"Either way, we offer to help however we can!" I said, beating Aether to it, as he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! We can't have those pesky, dirty thieves disturbing the peace! What if they steal the food? The Good Hunter stall is at stake!" (Steak haha) Paimon shuddered at the thought.

"That all you ever think of, Paimon?" Aether sighed.

"Thank you for trying to help us! Oh, I wish we could help return the favor..." Amber put her hands together in a praying sign.

"Well, if you want to help us..." I started.

"Can you help us put up missing person posters?" Aether smiled.

"Of who?"

"Of... My sister. I'm traveling to find her." Aether explained.

"And I'm accompanying!" I slung my arm around his shoulders.

"Oh... I'll help you put up those posters! Once we get back to the HQ!"

"It's really dark now, though. You're really gonna put up posters at night?" Paimon asked.

"Oh, uh, that's right. Speaking of which, you guys don't have anywhere to stay yet, right?" Amber asked.

"Yeah, last time you guided us to stay in prison."

"Ahaha, I'm so sorry about that! But, I actually wasn't lying about the 'staying at HQ' thing, you know?" She smiled.


"Don't either of you dare do anything to her, Knights of Favonius..."


Chapter 1: The Mondstadtians


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Try to guess who said that line.

Also, you know those Random Character Event Chapters? Yeah, I was so stupid to not put the titles as their constellation names so I edited it, should kinda feel better now.

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