15 • "So What You're Saying Is..."

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"Where are you going to go, Aether?" Venti asked.

"To do something." He stretched his limbs.

"Ah, being secretive, are we? Sure. May the Anemo Archon protect you, traveler."

The bard watched as Aether ran off.


And a tear slowly rolled down his cheek.

"Hm...I think I will play another tune." He took a deep breath in.

"Because the winds change their course,"

He tried to cope with optimistic thinking.

"And soon, they will blow towards a brighter future..." He sniffled, "...right?"


"Here we are! Lisa the Fortune Teller!!" Amber exclaimed, pushing me into her room.

"Oh, no. I'm merely a witch, Amber. But, I'll do my best to help you." Lisa crossed her legs.

"You're the best, Lisa!" Amber gave a thumbs up.

"Alright. So basically..."
I began to explain my dream.


"Ahh..." Lisa looked like she was thinking hard.

"Was it a bit too weird?" I asked.

"All dreams are weird. It takes a very imaginative mind to piece meaning together." Lisa nodded to herself.

"Now, for what I think about this dream..."

Amber and I both looked at her expectantly.

"It sounds very much like a foreshadow. You have heard that dreams sometimes foretell something that wil happen in the future, right?"

A foreshadow...Wait a minute...

"A-A bloody room? In the future...??" I scrunched up my nose.

"Ah! I remember you said he called you 'darling' too!" Amber snapped her fingers.

"That's the one thing you care about in the dream?" I narrowed my eyes.

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