// • "A Sweet Dream"

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Mona and I looked into the sky.

We sat at the cliff of Cape Oath, watching the stars blink in the sky.

This cliff reminds me of the time I fell off Starsnatch Cliff, but thank God, literally a God saved me.

"Oh, yes, (Y/N). Look there." Mona pointed to right above Musk Reef.

"Look at those stars. The brightest ones. If you connect those, you get the constellation 'Alatus Nemeseos'."

As she said the name, the stars suddenly glowed even brighter, and a faint outline of a phoenix looking thing shaped by the stars.

"Alatus Nemeseos..."

Something about that name is familiar.

"Whoever's constellation that is, tomorrow is their birthday, apparently." Mona said.

Wait a minute, hang on.


"...Tomorrow is Xiao's birthday?" I gasped.

"Xiao? Who's 'Xiao'?" Mona looked at me with a confused expression.

"I've just remembered something, Mona! Thank you for inviting me to stargaze, but I've gotta go!" I stood up and ran down the cliff, almost stumbling along the way.

"Outta my way, hilichurls! This MC's gotta get to Liyue!"

I successfully summoned my sword and slashed their heads off. No Vision, no worries!

But what I do need to worry about is...Xiao.

He's gonna work his ass off, fighting demons throughout the night. He doesn't get a break on his birthday.

I need to contact my Liyue friends somehow, to help me out!

I'd reached the Dadaupa Gorge sword cemetery. Nothing's stopping me from still running down.

"Hilichurls again...Go back to your destroyed homeland, pests!"

I jumped up for a plunging attack, but I was caught off guard when winds suddenly blew from below me.


A feminine voice spoke from the winds.

"(Y/N), I see that you're in a rush, so maybe these hilichurls I shall help you crush!"

I heard the loud whistles of concentrated winds.

"Time for take off!" The voice laughed, as they shot a cyclone towards the hilichurls, immobilizing them.

Of course, because it's...

"Do not fret, nor be afraid, for Venti the bard is at your aid!"

I turned to the voice and saw that very bard, giggling from a tree.

"Venti! You're here?"

"I saw you stargazing with Mona. I really wanted to be the one to stargaze with you, but that's not the point! I also heard from your conversation with Mona that it's Xiao's birthday tomorrow, yes?"

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