// • "Acer Palmatum"

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:: Random Event ::

"Acer Palmatum"
Kaedehara Kazuha's small character event.
To celebrate him as an addition to (Y/N)'s yandere harem.


Reminder: Random Events will appear out of nowhere, just like in game. Random events are special events which feature a different bachelor every time, also including their yandere behaviour. But another reminder that any form of Yandere behaviour in real life is dangerous. Please enjoy.


Another note: From now on, random events will be told top to bottom from the event character's perspective.


I rested my head on my arms as I leaned against the rails of the ship.

I don't know what I was doing.

All I knew to do...

Was stare at the girl who walked around the ship, climbing up and down, and watching as she almost fell off from the railing.


I chuckled inwardly.

This girl goes by the name of (Y/N). She once said she is simply visiting the Alcor, and yet only to earn the suspicious stares of the other sailors.

But the wind itself can tell me.

It tells me that this girl is harmless.


My head instinctively perked up when she slipped over the railing once more.


...She certainly is harmless if she's unable to protect herself...

"I-I'm fine! No problem, I totally won't fall overboard!"

"(Y/N), hold on!" I raced over to her.

Well, this isn't the first day she's been on the Alcor, of course.

She comes here whenever she visits Guyun Stone Forest. It's certainly a show to see when she attempts to glide over from the tall stones.

The amount of times I had to pull her onboard is uncountable at this point. This time, too, shouldn't be different.

"Ehh, Kazuha! I can pull myself up-"


I picked her up by her arms and pulled her back on her feet.

"...Phew...I can't believe I fell off again."

"Please be more careful next time, (Y/N)."

"I know that! I somehow can't..." As proven by the amount of times she fell.

"Then maybe don't stand on the railing, and just stand here? On the ground?"

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