// • "Fluffy Doggy"

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:: Random Event ::

"Fluffy Doggy"
Gorou's small character event, to commemorate his addition to the harem.


Random Events will appear out of nowhere, just like in game. Random events are special events which feature a different bachelor every time, also including their yandere behaviour.

But another reminder that any form of Yandere behaviour in real life is dangerous.

Random Events will be told from the perspective of the featured event character.

Please enjoy.


I am only her guard dog.

I am only here to serve her.

In the slightest hope that she will see me for what's worth and finally love me back.

I will let her use me to her heart's content.

"Mas- I mean, (Y/N)," I spoke out to her, "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"What? Why? You don't need to do anything for me, Gorou." She blinked at me, with an expression covered in slight confusion, "You should be resting after a whole day of work on the fields, in fact."

"Is that...and order?" I asked, as I looked at her expectantly.

"Um...If you think of it that way..." She patted on the part of the bench beside her, "Then I would like you to rest."

"O-Of course...!"

As long as she wants me to, I'll do it.

No matter if it costs me my life, or the lives of others.

No one is more important than her. Not even myself.

"Aw, good boy! Now rest. You'll have more work tomorrow, so you better get enough energy for that."

I love it when she calls me that.

I love it when she praises me.

It means that whatever I do isn't irrelevant to her.

"What was that little haiku that my mom used to recite to me again...?" She wondered, "I think it went something like this."

"Little leaf, fly high,
To the clouds, to the heavens,
The Gods invite you."

Her soothing voice is always able to lull me asleep with pure ease.

"Are you sleepy now? Here..." Her fingers brushed behind my ears, gently scratching them. My tail wagged from the soft touch.

I also love it when she does that.

Though I don't think I deserve it. I don't deserve any of this.

I'm only here to serve her...!

But if this is what she wants to do with me, then I'll let her.

"Now sleep."

To me, that was a command. An order.

I am obliged to follow every command she gives me.

Every single one.

"As you wish..."

Because she is my master...!

I worship her...!

I hold her in a higher priority than Her Excellency.

My only purpose is to have her make use of me.

I love her.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't love me back.

As long as my service allows her to live a life of happiness and leisure...

I will continue to let her use me for as long as she wants.


Random Event: Gorou, Worship.



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