41 • "Enter Title Here."

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"...Really now?" Aether smiled.

That smile...

Something is hidden behind it.

"Uhh..." Paimon shuddered, as she subconsciously flew further away from him.

"Aether," I narrowed my eyes, "You're clearly playing dumb."

"...C-Can you fill Paimon in? What's happening?" She blinked in confusion, "What ' mental instability '...?"

"...Bloodlust," I crossed my arms, "You should let Aether explain this one."

"Huh?!" Paimon instinctively hid behind me, "B-Bloodlust?!"

"Oh," Aether huffed, "...Don't simplify me with that one word. It's insulting."


"Ahahah. Remember when you told me determination was boring?"

Aether's entire demeanor has changed.

"...What about it?" I asked.

"I guess you're right. I immediately got bored right after," He sighed, "I understand why you get bored so quickly, too."

"Uhh...?" Paimon looked lost.

"Let's end this already, okay? It's getting boring." He smiled.


In the blink of an eye...

A blade was stuck through Aether's palm

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A blade was stuck through Aether's palm. His hand was bleeding out.


My eyes widened.

"...I'm not falling for the same gimmick twice, Albedo."

And just as swiftly, Aether pulled his bloody hand out of the sword and took out his own, slashing towards the person behind him.

"...Who would've thought?" He shielded himself from the attack.

"That I'd come back from the dead? Indeed, who would've thought..."

"Paimon, stay back." I frowned.

"W-What's happening...?" Her voice wavered.

"I'm trying to figure that out too." I sighed, stepping back from the scene.

"It seems like...My experiment has failed again." The unknown person pushed Aether's sword back.

"This is so boring..." Aether swung his whole body around and roundhouse kicked the person, he barely managed to dodge it, "Experiment this, experiment that...Your life is so dull."

"Unlike your life, which only consists of sitting around and writing stories." The person tried to stab Aether's stomach with the sword's hilt.

"Ah," Aether side-stepped, "Writing stories is more interesting than...whatever you do."

"Ah..." The unknown person twirled his sword back around and tried to poke into Aether stomach, "But you can't write with an injured hand, can you?"

"Hey, left isn't even my dominant hand!" Aether reused his bloody hand to block the attack.

Are these two seriously having an everyday conversation while fighting...?

"Halt your actions! What are you both doing?" I finally found the resolve to speak.

"(Y/N)," The unknown person spoke, as he tried to stab Aether multiple times with his blade, "Do you remember me...?"

"She doesn't." Aether deadpanned, blocking every shank with his own blade with scary precision.

"I don't know what either of you are talking about." I frowned.

"Ahh, Paimon seriously doesn't know what to feel about this...!" She scratched her head.

"Tactical retreat, Paimon. Let's go...!" I took her hand and attempted to run away.


In just a moment's time,

I coughed out.

"What have you done this time..." Aether looked towards me, "...Oh."

"(Y-Y/N)...!" Paimon squeaked out.

"It hurts..."

I tried to clutch my stomach...

But all I was able to touch was a bloody blade sticking out of it.

"...Why...?" Crimson substances dripped down from the corner of my lips, "Why...me?"

"I apologize, dear." The unknown person spoke.

"Oh no, oh no...!" Paimon was panicking, she couldn't figure out what to do.

I don't blame her...

No one will be so composed when someone gets stabbed like this in front of them.


But as for me...

Everything is getting darker...

"You'll wake up. You always have, right...?"

The unknown person had a hint of sorrow in his voice.

"I...will wake up...?"

My eyes have already completely shut.


"Because...it was all just a dream in the first place, right?"


Final Chapter: Eventually You'll Understand.


"Is this really how the story ends?"


"...That's so boring."

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