// • "A Pleasant Dream"

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I had a dream...


It was a very long dream, so much so that I felt like it was actually real. So much so that when I woke up, all my senses were numb and I couldn't get up.

What was that dream?

It was like a scroll of paintings unrolled before me...

And that scroll was a gift to me from someone I knew.


It was a bright and windy day.

Due to the efforts of Barbatos, the people of Mondstadt were given the privilege to see continuous tomorrows.

The joyful chatter and lively conversations were never-ending just as the wind will never cease to blow.

Ah, the bright sun...

The only things that shaded me from the gentle yet strong sunlight were the shadows of the turning windmills. I felt very bad...

Gazing down at the hardworking citizens that made use of the freedom given to them by their Archon, and working to keep Mondstadt alive as a city.

I felt very bad just standing here.

Even though I have a fragile body, and I can't even swing a sword without my fingers breaking...

Even though it really is ideal that I don't work and just give others morale support...

I...feel guilty.

But I was reminded of those words. That poem a bard sang to me after a monster's head was brutally shot swollen.

"As long as you feel the breeze caress through your hair,

It means I am thinking about you somewhere.

As long as my wind blows through the fields of reed,

It is your freedom to do as you need."

I thought about those words.
My freedom to do as I need...

My body will fall apart bit by bit every day as long as I work as hard as everyone else. My flesh will tear itself as long as I fight as bravely as others.

I need you.  [ Yandere Genshin Impact Males × Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now