36 • "Here Comes a Thought."

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There is always a behind-the-scenes.

Often times, when some corporation or affiliation does something strange...

Something is definitely happening backstage.

But you can only guess exactly what it is.

Unless it's explicitly stated, you wouldn't know a thing.

It's your imagination that fills in the gaps...

It's not the exact truth when someone's theory goes mainstream before anything official has been said.

It's only when the majority of the people have the same theory.

But that doesn't necessarily mean that it's really what's happening...

But, I suppose...

You never really know.

Now, on the news...

"Just yesterday, there have been two cases of disappearances in Mondstadt. Multiple of these cases have been happening throughout the week, and the Knights have yet to find an explanation."

There is something happening behind-the-scenes.

" ' I apologize for the lack of information. Though the Captain of the Investigation Team is absent right now, but I promise that the Knights of Favonius are currently doing their best to investigate the issue. '

Says the Acting Grand Master."

No one knows anything.

"Yesterday's victims are a worker at the Angel's Share Tavern, Patton, and a fellow Knight."

It's been on the newspapers for a week now.

"Multiple witness accounts have said that the last they've been seen is at the Angel's Share Tavern, alive and well."

People speculate that some sort of conflict has happened inside the Knights of Favonius, starting with a disappearance that happened a few days ago.

Soon enough, one thing led to another, and someone from the Knights went crazy and was either kidnapping or murdering random citizens, hence the other disappearances.

After this, the Acting Grand Master is trying to cover everything up.

...Supposedly, at least.

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