37 • "Drop Dead Like Flies."

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"One Wolfhook Juice, please."

"You really like that drink, don't you? Coming right up."

I sat on the wooden stools of the tavern, much earlier than usual.

There seemed to be a little less customers right now, maybe due to the news, or maybe because most people have work during this hour.

...I'd think it's the latter.


It was pretty peaceful.

But for the cost of it being boring, as usual.

"Barkeep, do you have any juicy news you've heard of?" I boredly sipped on my drink.

"News?" He wondered, "Well the only one I keep hearing for the past three days were the disappearances. But I'm sure you've heard of them already, right?"

"...Yeah, I've heard of that one before."

Mondstadt is a little bit too peaceful sometimes...

...Well, not like I'm saying the disappearances are nothing, I'm saying that nothing new ever happens much.

...It's boring.

"Oh wait, I just remembered something..." The bartender spoke up.

What a coincidence. I was thinking things were getting lame.


But Charles seemed hesitant to say it.

"Does it relate to the recent disappearances?" I asked.

"Well...yes, but..." He stumbled in his words.

"Put personal feelings aside and talk." I drank a gulp of my beverage.

"Well...I don't want to speak ill of my own boss, but..." He started, "I heard a rumour going around this morning that...Master Diluc has something to do with it."


I glanced toward Rosaria.
"Any input?" I asked.

"Well, it's just a rumour right now..."

Says the person who just accused my lover of being the murderer.

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