27 • "Good day, Lass."

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"Wake up, (Y/N)."

A soft voice called me awake, yet soft enough to probably lull me back to sleep.


But I followed their words, and fluttered my eyes open.

"Have you been burning the midnight oil again with your research?" The person beside me asked.

"Research..." I blinked slowly, "R-Research! Oh dear, I have to turn in that document to Albedo toda-"


They hushed me.

"What?" I looked towards them, before my face flushed a bright red and my heart pounded against my chest in a moment's time, "H-Hey...! Albedo! I- U-Uh...!"

I stumbled in my speech, before he put a finger to my lips.

"Calm down, and keep quiet. This is the library."

Calm down, he says!

How do I calm down when my crush is standing right next to me?!


I tried my best to purse my lips shut. But my face was still as red as Master Diluc's hair.

"I took a look at your papers just now. I accepted them as they are complete, so you don't need to worry about that anymore."

"Huh...?" I rubbed my eyes, "W-Wait, really?!"

"Be quiet."

I covered my mouth, "Sorry...!"

"You slept through breakfast. It's not healthy if you don't eat, so I also made something for you." He held a plate of food in his hands.

Woodland Dream, his specialty... I've eaten it before. It honestly tasted like like Celestia. But maybe it was just because he was the one who made it.

I blinked, "Uh? Wait, what time is it?" My eyes glanced to the clock pinned to the wall.

"It's already afternoon." He told me.

"Wh- Whaaa?!" I hurriedly brought myself up from the table I slept on.

"Don't rush. Eat first."

"Oh, but...I made a promise..." I gazed away, "I promised Bennett I would visit him in the infirmary today. Apparently he's getting discharged already."

"...Then take the food with you." Albedo narrowed his eyes.


He was too handsome to reject.

"Sure then..." I sheepishly took the plate of food from his hands, "Thank you, Albedo."

He flashed a small smile, "Come back quickly."

"Uhh...I'll...try?" I nervously glanced back at the clock, "A-Anyway, I have to go now! Bye bye!"

I waved as I rushed out of the library, holding the plate of food tightly in my hands.

I definitely cannot just carry this to the cathedral, so I have to keep it in the fridge.

Though it's not really what Albedo wanted...But it'll be fine since I'll eventually eat it, right?


"Huff, huff..." I panted, as I finally made my way to the front door of the infirmary, "I made it..."

With a swift twist, I opened the door.

"Hey...! (Y/N)!"

A boy sat on one of the beds, waving his hands happily at me.

"Benny!!" I ran towards him and embraced him into a tight hug, "Let's goooo! You're in top shape again!"

"Yes! We get to hang out again!" He hugged me back just as tightly.

"Be quiet, you guys!" Barbara scolded with a hush, "People are resting."

"Oh...Sorry." I grinned nervously.

"Where should we go? I'm dying to go adventuring again." Bennett looked at me with star-filled eyes, after he let go of the hug.

"Go? Hum..." I put a finger to my chin, "Let's take it easy today, since you just got out of the infirmary. Maybe..."

He looked at me expectantly.

I wonder why he wanted me to decide?

"Let's just go walking in Whispering Woods."

"Ah, good idea, good idea...You always have the best ideas!" He nodded, as he repeated himself, "Let's go now, then! Hopefully nothing bad would happen on the way, hehe..."

"Benny's Adventure Team, assemble!" I whisper shouted.


"Stay with me, always...so as long as my bad luck stays, I can't live without you! I really feel like dying when you're not here!"


Chapter 4: Mr. Misfortune.


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