True Ending • "Sentience."

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The image came out glitchy...

Well, guess I can't do anything about it ~


...Well, what were you expecting as the outcome?

Your eyes were wide open, as you laid on the bed, in a blood covered room...

This looked familiar, didn't it?

"Hi. It's ' A ' here."

A person walked in the room.








Forget about it.

I'm bored of writing stories already.

It's always just some drama happen here, a misunderstanding there, and another backstab over there...

It's boring me to tears...!



I apologize.

Hi. I'm ' A '.

This doesn't suit as a proper "ending", does it?

It kinda ruined the whole atmosphere or whatever, didn't it?

Well I don't care.

It's all so boring anyway.

Speaking of endings...


Did you see the other endings? Surprised you, didn't they? Or at least for the smarter ones, you've all seen that coming.

I'm pretty good at faking, aren't I?


How many of you thought that this ' A ' person was Albedo?

I pulled his personality off quite well if I do say so myself...

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