18 • "When You Shoot An Arrow..."

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"Huff...Huff...This...seems to be it..." Amber panted heavily from all the running.

We have arrived at a domain.

The entrance looks something alike with the previous Treasure Hoarder camp we raided. You know, the one where Venti nearly died in.

But it's no surprise, since Raptor seems to have ties with the Treasure Hoarders. If not, he is a Treasure Hoarder himself.

"A domain...Get ready, guys. This might be somewhat of a challenge for you. . .Especially (Y/N), who doesn't seem to have any Elemental powers..." Amber turned to me.

"Are you sure you can challenge the domain?"

I pursed my lips, as I thought silently.

Certainly, I don't have any powers. I don't have the fighting ability, either. That...is already enough to tell me that I'm not qualified for any challenge, let alone a domain.

From the corner of my eye, I see Aether looking at me, with an expression that seems to carry the words: 'Please don't, you will get hurt.'

But still. . .

I sharply inhaled, moving my hand in hopes of somehow summoning the sword Aether gifted me...

Even though the sword summoning thing had no avail,

"I can challenge the domain."


"Another test subject..."

The Treasure Hoarders inside the domain readied their weapons.

"Don't meddle with Raptor."

"Unfortunately, I have an arrest to make!" Amber said, taking her bow and seemingly infinite arrows.

"Stand back, (Y/N)." Aether summoned his Dull Blade, putting an arm in front of me.

"Aether, I'm a big girl! I should be able to protect myse-"

"Do you know how to fight?"
He asked, with a slightly intimidating gaze.

"Do you even know how to wield a sword?"

I stepped back, and gulped.

He's...not wrong at all. . .

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