8 • "The Kidnapping, or, Teen-napping?"

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"Wow, it's so nice here!" My figure was embraced by the coziness of the dorm that Amber guided us to.

"Finally! We won't have to camp outside anymore!" Paimon sighed.

"I know! I've already discussed with Acting Grand Master Jean about your stay here. If you need anything, just let me know!" Amber smiled, putting her hands on her hips.

"Thank you! So, um..." My thoughts trailed off.


"Aether, Paimon and I will be sharing this room, right?" I asked, nervously.

"Oh, why did I expect you to know...? I forgot to tell you, you and Paimon are sharing this room with me! And Aether will be on his own." She explained.

"What? I'm alone?" Aether's eyes widened. Poor boy, he was already alone..

"Well... That's what our Acting Grand Master instructed. Girls physical strength isn't as much as boys, so if anything were to happen, us in one group would be safer." Amber explained as Aether looked to the ground.

"But, (Y/N) would be safer with me-"

"I'm really sorry but..."

"Okay, fine... I'll see you tomorrow morning, (Y/N)..." He walked out the door without another word. It didn't take much to convince him, did it?

"Oh, your room is at the end of the hallway to the left!" Amber reminded.

"Hey, he didn't say bye to Paimon! Is Paimon invisible or something?" She pouted.

"..." We said nothing, in order to mock her. We just walked to our beds.

"Paimon really is invisible?!" We snickered to ourselves.

"So, umm...What are you planning to do tomorrow?" Amber asked.

"I don't know actually. Maybe ask around town if they've seen Aether's sister. Maybe take a look around Mondstadt."

"Ah, if you plan to look around, I'll be your personal guide! After I finish putting up those missing person posters, that is."

"Really? Thanks!"

"But for now, let's sleep. You can do anything with low battery! I'm pretty tired myself."

"But you still seem so energetic..." I yawned. "And, we're sleeping in these clothes?"

"...You're right. Sleeping in this would be kinda disgusting. Especially since I've been outriding for the whole day..." She walked to the closet. But she stopped mid path.

"Wait! You can wear some of my clothes! I haven't had a best female friend my age like, ever, so this is new to me." Okay there is a lot to take in here. I can share clothes with her?

"Best friend?" Was somehow the first thing my brain told me to ask.

"Mhm! You're now my best friend! They say friendships are formed in the weirdest ways possible, huh..." She laughed.

"Let's go! Come on, it's late and we need to sleep, so quickly pick out a pyjamas!"


"What about Paimon?!"


"Good night, (Y/N)!" Amber and Paimon both said as they slowly drifted to sleep.

"Good night..."

But I just couldn't sleep. Something's wrong, I feel it.

"... Where is Stormterror?" I wondered. Yeah, the time shouldn't be far off. If I'm assuming this is going exactly by the story, Aether just arrived at Mondstadt, which means Mondstadt is in danger. But...

I see absolutely no signs of that. Everyone is content, and the Knights are more concerned about Treasure Hoarders than a dragon. Could it be that my presence altered what happens? Then I won't be able to tell what will happen next...

But besides those thoughts, other things stuck in my brain to prevent me from sleeping included husbando interactions, and "Scaramouche, Scaramouche, do the fandango!"

What a day though. I hope that...I can go back home.


"Yo, over here, this window bro." A person gestured his teammate to a window.

"That's her. We just have to grab her and run, right? That's what the boss wants."

"Okay." He slowly slid open the window.

"Do the fandan- What?" My eyes opened to the sight of two Treasure Hoarders standing beside my bed.

"Aa-" One of them muffled my scream with his hand as the other carried me off the bed. All the while I attempted to struggle out of their grasp, trying to bite his hand, summon my sword, but in the end...

"We got her! Let's dip!" They hopped out the window, carrying me along. After that, my brain suddenly decided it's time for me to sleep.


"Hmm...Midnight water, midnight water...Huh?" The red burny girl woke up to see no sign of her friend on her own bed.



Chapter 1: The Mondstadtians


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