// • "Fabulae Textile"

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:: Random Event ::

"Fabulae Textile"
Xingqiu's small character event.

Reminder: Random Events will appear out of nowhere, just like in game. Random events are special events which feature a different bachelor every time, also including their yandere behaviour. But another reminder that any form of Yandere behaviour in real life is dangerous. Please enjoy


"Hmm, hm~"

I hummed as I walked to my destination. Xingqiu invited me to buy books with him at Wanwen Bookhouse.

There are a few new releases there, but I'm not of a book person myself. But then again, these books are better to read than my highschool textbooks.

"My lady! You've finally arrived. Quick, let's go!"

Halfway there, I found Xingqiu, and just started pulling my hand.

"Wha-?? Xingxing, I thought you were already there!" I tried my best to balance my steps.

"Oh, I thought It'd be nicer to walk there with you, my lady."

We walked up to the bookstore. As always, we were greeted by the warming smile of the receptionist Jifang.

"Good afternoon, regulars. I assume you're here for the new releases?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Quick, quick, before the crowds come!" He intertwined our fingers and pulled me towards the bookshelves.

"Look!" He pointed at a few new books that we planned to buy.

"Let's see this one..." I took one out.

"'Lair of a Bygone Protector'. I have a feeling this has something to do with a villain that was once a hero?"

Well, I have a feeling someone took inspiration from Stormterror's story.

"What about this?" "'Of The Land Amidst The Monoliths'. I'm sure this is about Liyue."

"Hm. What about this? Don't tell me it's about Mondstadt."

He took the book from the shelf.

"'City of Wind and Wine'. Yeah, it is. You have sharp intuition, my lady." He praised.

"Oh, no, it was just a wild guess." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Aw, is my lady flustered?" He teased.

"Okay now, those are all the new releases? Let's go to the receptionist...!" I quickly changed the subject.

"Okaay~." Our fingers were still intertwined, as he pulled me to the cashier.

"These three books. You may get the Mora from Feiyun Commerce Guild, as usual. Thank you." Xingqiu showed Jifang the books that were meant to be purchased and went as quickly as he came, pulling me along too.

"Let us read these away from the crowds, my lady." "What, we're reading it already?"

He looked at me with an 'as a matter of fact' expression and said, "Well, books are meant to be read! I would like to take this chance to read it with someone special to me."

We walked outside Liyue Harbor, to the small hill that had a pretty viewpoint of Liyue instead. It took a while to get there and by that time the sky was a bit yellow.

"It seems it's getting a bit late... Let's read just a bit, and then we can go back and read some more! What do you say, my lady?"

"..." I stared at the orange sky. It was pretty.

"My... Lady? Are you alright?"

"Uh, oh, no, I'm fine. What book are we gonna read?"

"Let's read... 'Of The Land Amidst The Monoliths'!" And as usual we sat down, I sat on his lap, and he embraced me from behind.


Side switch: Xingqiu

"..." (Y/N) softly snored as she slept in my arms. Ahh, what a sight to behold! I even almost started drooling from it again.

The moonlight shone above us, further beautifying the scenery of my eyes that is my lady.

I began thinking of all the things we've done today.

"One, she gave me a nickname. Oh, she's been calling me that for a while now but... Giving someone a nickname means you're close to them, right? If that's so, then that means..."

"Oh, she didn't push my hand away when I held it! Of course, she's always liked it when I held her hand, didn't she..."

There goes my delusion again. Only one small part of me that is sane actually knows that this obsession of mine has corrupted my perception of reality...

But what can I do? Sooner or later this part will be corrupted too.

"Oh, oh, and she gave me pastries to eat while we were reading, too! Aha, ahaha... Why would she give me my favourite food, if it wasn't that... She was thinking of me?" I almost started drooling again, I don't know if it was because of (Y/N) or the food.

Mm... When can you finally admit you love me, (Y/N)? Come on, I've already known since we've met!

I continued to hug her as she slept. I wish this moment... Will last forever...


Random Chapter: Xingqiu, Delusional
"Fabulae Textile"



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I'm sorry if this was kinda bad, it's literally midnight and my imagination won't stop bugging me. Yes, Xingqiu my boy is a delusional yandere, I'll try to finalize the list of Yandere soon, maybe.

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