// • "You're Just Like Him!"

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Event Chapter.

Reminder: Event Chapters are not to be associated with the main storyline, nor will it contain any yandere content, but will still contain romance, if male characters are involved. Please enjoy.


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It was a very normal day, just walking through the streets of Mondstadt like I do every morning. But when you say it's a normal day, you know something not so normal is going to happen.

I walked past the plaza fountain, greeting some citizens along the way. It actually took a good long arguement with Aether to let me talk a walk alone every morning, but guess what, I won.

"Oh, um, (Y/N)! G-Good morning!" I walked over to the alchemy shop and saw Sucrose there to greet me.

"Good morning Sucrose! Is something wrong?"

She frantically shook her head, "No, no! Nothing is wrong, it's just, Mr Albedo asked me to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Um, he wants you to meet him at his lab at the HQ. Apparently he has invented something and would like you to test it together with him."

"Oh, when?" I asked, getting curious as to what he's made this time.

"Anytime you're free."

"Okay then, I'm off!" I skipped to the direction of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, excited to see what was in stall for me today.

"Please be careful!" Sucrose quietly shouted.


Side switch: Sucrose

Uh oh, I have a bad feeling... Because I accidentally took a peek at the invention documents and what it does is pretty... Scary...


Side switch: (Y/N)

"I wonder what he made this time? A nu-Klee-r bomb? No wait, he made that last time, he's saving it for Klee's 18th birthday. What about a Vision generator? Could be useful for me!" I hummed as I walked towards my destination.

I pushed open the doors to the headquarters and trotted up the stairs to Albedo's lab.

"Good morning, my bread dough! Sucrose told me you've got something new!" I slammed open the door, and the blonde that was inside the room seemed unfazed by it.

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