// • "Snezhnaya's Greatest Bleach Seller"

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I was walking on the streets of Liyue Harbor with Aether. He said he wouldn't let me go anywhere alone anymore. My Archon, the brotherly attitude.

"(Y/N), do you want a kite? We can fly it by the docks." Aether said, turning my attention to the old lady who seller toys.

"Kite? All of a sudden?" I asked.

"I just thought it might be fun. Let's go." He pulled my hand to the stall, almost making me stumble from the sudden change in direction.

"W-Woah, I didn't even say yes!"

"You don't have a choice. Let's have fun!"

"Oh man..."

Not like I'm saying flying a kite isn't fun. It's fun seeing it fly into the sky, it's fun trying your hardest not to let go of the string. And when you accidentally do, it's fun to see it acsend into space.

It's just that...Aether is so pushy. And when he doesn't hear what he wants, he straight up forces you.

"Bleach! Bleach! Best bleach from Snezhnaya, to clean your clothes, your dirty floors, anything you use this on will become completely spotless!"

A familiar voice shouted.

"Hey, Aether. Heard that? Let's go check out that bleach guy! It'll be easier to clean up the HQ-"

"No. Let's not stress ourselves with cleaning and get a kite! Jean already bought some clorox recently anyway."

I forced my hand out of Aether's grasp.

"Look, Aether. I'm gonna check out the bleach store, and get some extra. I can't keep following you like a lost puppy." I turned heel and walked to the voice.

"Wha-Wait! Hold it right there, (Y/N)!"

I ignored him, and kept walking to the stall. The closer I got, though...I more familiar his face looked.

"Eh? Is that...?"

My god.

That man has ascended.

From best toy seller...
To bleach seller...

"Tortilla~!" I waved, running over to him.

"Hey! Ojou-chan~! Are you well?" He waved back, a bottle of concentrated chemicals in hand.

'Damn it, he caught her attention anyway! Buying a kite wasn't enough...' Aether bit his finger.

"Wanna buy bleach? Gotta earn money somehow, you know..." Childe whispered that last part to me.

"Sure! The HQ at Mondstadt is needing some cleaning anyway. So...how much does it cost?"

I hope it isn't too much...

"Oh, you know...just 35000 Mora."

"That much for bleach?"

"But! But! For you though, Ojou-chan...it's free." He smirked.

"Woah! How'd I get those previledges?" I put my wallet back.

"...A secret." He put a finger over his lips.

"How secretive as always, Tortilla. Thank you for the offer though."

"Always putting you first, Ojou-chan~! Of course, a bit after my siblings."

Then, an angry Aether sped walked to where we were.

"Okay, Ajax. Now that (Y/N)'s got what she wanted, I think me and (Y/N) will take our leave." He grabbed my arm harshly, and attempted to walk off when Childe held onto my hand.

"Oh. Aether. Rather rude to interrupt our friendly conversation."

Aether glared at him.

"Your conversation is over."

"Hey. Let me and (Y/N) chat some more. It's not everyday I get to see her, you know?" He smiled.


Aether just angrily stared at Childe.

And Childe stared back.

And he looked at him.

And he looked back.


"My lady? What are you doing here?" Xingqiu happened to walk by. He stopped when he saw my arm held hostage.

"Save me." I mouthed.

He seemed to understand the situation and quietly walked over.

"Let's go." He whispered, as he snatched my arm out from both Childe and Aether's grasp, pulling me away and running for a different direction.

"Wai- What? Oh, (Y/N)! Guhua Geek, you-!" Aether pulled out his sword and ran for us.

"To Feiyun Slope, my lady! Let us escape the demon's chase!" Xingqiu laughed, going from pulling my arm to carrying my bridal style.


"Guhua Geek, I'll chop your head right off!!" Aether shouted.

We made a run for it, laughing our asses off all the while.

And Childe was sadly left at his stall.

"Ojou-chan..." He sighed.

"We'll meet again, then. Business has got to continue after all..."


"Childe, the greatest Snezhnayan bleach seller."



As I posted in my announcement, I found this bottle (in the picture) lying around I I was like, "No way, it's Ajax."

So I couldn't let it go and made a shitpost chapter.

Now to go back to homework~!

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