5 • "The Last Minute Planned Escape"

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"I'm telling you, we're not Treasure Hoarders!" I told the brunette.

"Yeah, yeah, tell that to Kaeya when you get questioned." She looked back and glared at us.


"Uhuu... All Paimon wanted...was Sticky Honey Roast...." She softly cried as Amber pulled her by the rope she was bound in.

"I'm sorry Paimon..." I looked sympathetically at her.

Amber walked us to the back of the HQ, which I've never seen in the game. Soon, we arrived at a prison looking place, with many cells. I saw many pathetic looking Treasure Hoarders in each those cells.

As we walked, the prisoners all looked at us. With weird looks, too.

I gulped at the thought of being forced spending the rest of my life here for doing nothing wrong at all. Prison food... I'll bet Paimon will be the first to die.

"Welcome to Mondstadt Prison, enjoy your sta-" "Not today!" Aether turned around and landed and good kick to Amber's knee.

"Palm Vortex!" He summoned a wind force from his palms strong enough to push the Outrider to the other side of the hallway.

"Ow-" This made Paimon free from her bindings.

"Quick, find help!" I told her, as I tried to summon the sword Aether gave me to cut my ropes, but problem is I have no idea how.

"Okay!" She quickly flew away, presumably to the front door of the HQ, to maybe find someone to explain our situation to.

"Gah, you sneaky thieves!" She summoned her bow and tried to aim at us.

"Uhh, Aether!"

He did exactly what I wanted to do, summoned his sword and held it carefully by the blade, slicing off the ropes tied around his wrists.

"Hyah!" Amber shot a fully charged Pyro arrow at us, more specifically at me, as I panicked.

"(Y/N)!" Aether pulled me behind him with his now free hands, and barely blocked the arrow with his sword.


Meanwhile with Paimon:

The child sized fairy flew around the town, hoping to find someone to pulled us out this hot water.

She came across a man in blue, literally almost everything about him was blue except his skin colour. Yes, his life is blue too, very sad.

"Hey! You there!" Paimon waved at the man as she flew towards him.

"Hm?" He looked towards her.

"Please help! My friends are being forced on their way to prison and none of them did anything wrong! Please, you've gotta help!" Paimon begged.

"I'll go, quick, take me there." The man responded quickly, nodding his head.

"Great, thank you so much! Follow me!" Paimon flew quickly back at the direction of the HQ.

"Interesting..." The man thought as he ran along with the talking fairy.


"Drive to protect, drive to kill. A person's obsession will make them very protective over whatever they obsess over, no matter how many lives the blade he holds will take."


Chapter 1: The Mondstadtians


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Oh yeah, please tell me if you see anything weird in the index of the book, because when I look at it I see some duplicates, huh..
The fifth chapter, "Mondstadt, the city of Freedom" is also somehow still appearing as a draft in the editor so uhh, what's going on?

Either way, thank you all for your continuous support on this book! I hope my plot ideas and stuff doesn't disappoint too bad.

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