Ending 2 • "Hollowness"

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An alchemist sat on a bedside chair, gazing at the person "sleeping" on it.


He wanted to say something, but his words were stuck in his throat.

"I...am...so sorry."

Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.

"What can I do to save you...? I've tried everything..."

Everything that he could. . .


Exactly what happened that lead up to this moment?

The alchemist tried to recall the days. It has been more than a decade since he tried to save this girl.

A decade...10 years worth of work, 10 years worth of sweat and tears, 10 years worth of trial and error...

And she is still...

"...Let me go retrieve my research notes. I will tell you a story...!"

But he hasn't given up yet.


"Ahem...Day 1...You fell ' asleep ' from an accident."

The accident was entirely his fault. Entirely his own fault.

Something went wrong...

...He can never forgive himself for it.

"Ah...Day...4. I figured out how to get your consciousness to be stuck between life and death."

On that day, was when the girl's mind was attached to a sort of device. A device that allowed your mind to continue living.

"Through this device, you began to have dreams...But these were not any regular dreams..."

The alchemist read on.

"These were ' advanced dreams '."

Advanced dreams.

Those are dreams that differ from ordinary illusions in the mind.

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