2 • "Weird Molecular Structures."

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Paimon led us to a rather large pond, in the middle, was a statue. The statue of the God of Wind himself, Barbatos.

"Look, there it is! That's one of the Statues of the Seven! This statue is of the God of Anemo. C'mon, hurry here!" Paimon explained and flew towards the statue. That's unfair, we have to walk there instead.

When we finally reached there, we took a closer look at the statue.

"It looks really grand..." It certainly doesn't feel like this is a dream.

"Of course. These statues were built to worship Gods, it wouldn't be nice if they did a bad job." Aether said, as he touched the front of the statue.

Suddenly, light emerged from his hand to all around his body, even I could feel the elemental energy that the statue let out.

"W-What happened?"

"Oh! Paimon thinks the statue lent you the powers of Anemo! That's rare! You usually need a Vision to channel elemental energy, but since you came from a different world, I guess you're an exception."

"Wow... Hey (Y/N), why don't you try it too?
You're from another world as well, right?" Aether didn't wait for a reply and took my hand before placing it onto the statue.


He held your hand there... But nothing happened.


Why isn't anything happening?

"Huuuuhh? Why didn't anything happen? Maybe (Y/N) isn't capable of recieving elemental energy?" Paimon theorised.

"Oh... That's a shame..." Aether let go of your hand, with clear sadness in his voice.

I... I can't use elemental powers? Then what's the point? I can't defend myself, and I can't fight like a badass? Looks like I was wrong...

"Woah, look out! A bunch of slimes are coming this way!!" Paimon screeched.

"Uh oh."

Not long after, we were surrounded by Anemo Slimes. Yuck.

"Aether, you can use the elemental powers given to you to protect yourself! Just channel it into your weapon!" I told him. If I can't defend myself, I'll have to rely on others.

He looked at me and summoned his sword.

"'Protect myself'? No, I'll protect you too."

"Ah-" A slime charged towards me from behind.

"Hyaah!" Aether quickly pushed me away and sliced the slime in half.

"...!" I almost got hurt, if it wasn't for Aether. Also if it wasn't for the fact I just fell from the sky earlier.

"Please, stand back." He looked back at me and smiled.

"I won't allow you to get hurt."

I did as he told me and stood against the statue, as he began slashing away at the slimes.

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