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:: Random Event ::

"Historia Antiqua"
Zhongli's small character event.

Reminder: Random Events will appear out of nowhere, just like in game. Random events are special events which feature a different bachelor every time, also including their yandere behaviour. But another reminder that any form of Yandere behaviour in real life is dangerous. Please enjoy.


"There we go!" I sighed in relief as I finished writing the letter for Amber about the cool stuff that happened in Liyue Harbor. I was currently in Wangshu Inn chilling, because I felt like eating Almond Tofu.

"Who is it that you are writing to, (Y/N)?" Zhongli, who was sitting in front of me asked. I forgot to mention, Zhongli wanted to come along with me to try the Almond Tofu. Apparently he's never eaten it before.

"Just a friend of mine from Mondstadt. Her name is Amber of the Knights of Favonius, and an awesome friend. Maybe you two can meet one day!" I introduced.

"Now all I have to do is send the letter... How do I send it? Where's the postman? This is so hard without my phone..." I looked around the inn, hoping to find someone that might be able to send my letter to Amber in Mondstadt.

"I shall help you find someone, (Y/N)." Zhongli said, relieving me of social interaction.

"How are you going to find someone? There can't be someone conveniently waiting to deliver a letter here." Honestly I was expecting some postman to show up on cue as I said that, but that didn't happen, obviously.

"It's okay. If everything doesn't go right, I'll just have to personally deliver your letter for you."

"Really? Thank you so much!" I hugged him tightly, grateful for his help.

"You're quite welcome, (Y/N). Although if you don't mind me asking, what are you writing to her about?"

"Oh, just some interesting things that have happened here. My journey in Liyue was really like a rollercoaster, fast but fun. Since Amber is one of my closest friends, why not I write to her about this?"

"I see. You have a lot of nice friends, don't you?" He gave a strange response. At least, it's strange if you consider the context. That's not what you would usually reply after that... But I went along with it anyway.

"Ehe...I feel like I don't even deserve them, honestly..." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Anyway, rest easy. Your letter is safe in my hands." He proceeded to walk off, finding someone who can help us deliver the letter so we may enjoy ourselves at the inn.

"Thank you again!" I smiled as I waved to him. He turned his head and returned the smile, it had a bit of an... Insane touch to it. But, it's probably just my imagination again. Those damn magical Matsutake...


Side Switch: Zhongli

I held the letter tightly in my hand. (Y/N) has many nice friends, huh? Am I part of that category? I hope not, because I wish to be... More.

Curse all of those friends, then. It was then I remembered what my sweet (Y/N) just told me,

"Ehe...I feel like I don't even deserve them, honestly..."

Certainly, you don't deserve them. Because you only deserve me.

I glared at the letter in my hand, as I walked to Smiley Yanxiao's kitchen.

"Hey, Zhongli! You here to order?" He asked.

"No, not yet at least. For now I would like to borrow your stove?" I gestured at the fireplace, with a flame burning ever so brightly.

"Sure, go ahead!" I smiled at him as thanks, and walked towards the fire. As I slowly approached, thoughts crossed my mind.

'(Y/N) is my dear...'

One step.

'(Y/N) is my treasure...'

Two steps.

'A treasure should be protected...'

Three steps.

'Protected from everyone and everything else...'


'I'm sorry, my dear (Y/N)...'

Final step. The stove is right in front of me now. I set the letter in the fire, as I watched it burn to a crisp.

'...But this friend of yours will not be recieving your letter any time soon.'


Side Switch: (Y/N)

"You're back? You found someone that fast?" I smiled, watching Zhongli walk back to our table.

"Yes, to my luck. They are setting off to Mondstadt as we speak."

"Awesome! I'll go order our Almond Tofu, and I'll pay for both of ours as thanks!"

"O-Oh, uh, thank you, (Y/N)."

I looked back at him.



"You...forgot your wallet again, right?"


Random Chapter: Zhongli, Monopolizer
"Historia Antiqua"



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Ehe, I've been feeling a bit unmotivated lately, but I didn't want to keep you all waiting for the event chapter part 2 so I gave you this instead. I'm sorry for slow updates!

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