3 • "Windborne Bard"

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"Look there, look there! That's Mondstadt, the City of Freedom!" Paimon pointed towards a city once we reached a cliff. The scene looked very... Epic.

"Isn't this whole region called Mondstadt though?" I asked, as I looked at the map that I conveniently had with me.

"Emm, I guess you could say the city is the capital?" Aether said.

"But that doesn't answer my question! They could've called it Mondstadt Capital, or something, not just Mondstadt. It's kinda misleading sometimes."

"A-Anyway, let's go there! We might just find some clues about your sister's whereabouts! And maybe a way to go home, too!" Paimon suggested.

"Awesome! Race you both there!" I announced, jumping off the cliff without giving them a chance to react.

"(Y-Y/N)!!" Aether called out, as he watched you fall down.

"Oh, wait, CRAP." I remembered, I'm unable to glide yet without a freaking Wind Glider! Am I gonna fall to death?! The chances are very high...

Keep in mind, this was Starsnatch Cliff, the very cliff I tried to climb and ended up using up stamina one too many times.
That's how high it is.

I felt my life flash before my eyes as I imagined me dying like the characters in the game. (Cue montage)

I fell from the sky without injuries but... Who knows... If life gives me another chance for my stupid action?

I closed my eyes as I braced for impact.

But nothing happened.

All I heard was,

"Do not fret nor be afraid,"

I felt a wind current as someone snatched me from the waist and held me against them tightly. It smelled like... Wine.

I cautiously opened my eyes to see...

"For Venti the bard is at your aid!" He grinned at me.

"Hang tight now, as we are gliding down. I need you to land here safe and sound." He rhymed again.

I felt a wave of relief flow through me, as I know I was saved, better yet, by my first 5-star! (I literally still don't have a 5-star, I'm hoping Xiao will be my first one.)

I gripped onto him tightly in fear of falling, as we slowly glided down to safety.

"Sigh... I... Thank you so much, Venti!" I almost cried.

"That was a pretty bold move though, jumping off a cliff that high. Lucky you, I came to the rescue!" Venti grinned.

"(Y/N)!" Aether called to me. I turned towards his voice as he ran towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug.


"Wow, Aether. You're so touchy with (Y/N) already even though you just met her today!" Paimon commented on his action, snickering.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable. I'm just so relieved you're okay..." He let go of the almost suffocating me.

"Are these your friends?" Venti asked. Isn't it obvious??

"Yes, they are! This is Aether, and the floating child is Paimon." I gestured. Aether waved as Paimon pouted,

"Hey! I'm not a floating child! I'm Paimon!"

"Hehe, nice to meet you! My name is Venti, a bard in Mondstadt. Best bard in town, y'know!" He grinned again. Gosh it's so adorable.

"And, (Y/N)!" Aether said loudly to get my attention.

"H-Huh?" I sweat dropped.

"Do. Not. Ever. Jump off a cliff like that again! Do you know how it gave me a mini heart-attack? You could've died!!" He vigorously shook my shoulders.

"I-I didn't realise how tall it was!" I lied. "Please forgive me, Mom!"

"I'm not your Mom! I'm your- friend!"

Beside the drama, Venti whispered to Paimon.

"Are they always like this?"

"Dunno! They just met, like, today!"

"... Huh."

"P-Please forgive me, Aether!" I whined.

"Not unless you promise never to do that again until you have something like, a parachute!" How brother-like.

Venti chuckled, "Anyway, my job here is done."

Our attention was then turned to my saviour.

"Until we meet again, I shall wait, but until then..." He summoned a wind current.

"It's up to fate!"

He rode the wind and glided away, just like that... Man. Those rhymes actually sounded really cool, I wish I could make rhymes on the spot like that.

"Hey, the sky is turning yellow! We'd better make it to Mondstadt before dusk!" Paimon said.

"Yeah! Quick, I'll race you there! Last one to reach Mondstadt treats us to some Sticky Honey Roast!" I announced, sprinting off towards the city before letting them react, again.

"Sticky Honey Roast?! I'm not paying!! You'd better stay last, Aether!" Paimon's eyes glowed with gluttony and excitement.as.she drooled at the thought of free food.

"H-Hey! I don't wanna pay! And (Y/N), if you get hurt!" He warned, and chased us into the sunset.


"Do not be stupid,and please don't disregard, nor ignore the threat, that is Venti the bard."


Chapter 1: The Mondstadtians


Xiao, please come home, I'm begging you, I'm am panicking through the sheer anxiety of not gathering enough gems

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Xiao, please come home, I'm begging you, I'm am panicking through the sheer anxiety of not gathering enough gems.

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