29 • "Good Night, Lad."

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"Bye bye!" I waved to him, as he ran towards the large wooden doors that led to the Adventurers' Guild HQ.

"Bye byeeeee!!!" Bennett shouted back, waving his arms up high, "Have a good evening!"

"You too!"

I didn't know that our walk in the Whispering Woods would take such a long time. The sun is already setting down the mountains by the ruins to the west.

"...Why does it feel like I might've forgotten something?"

I always do. Why is it even surprising?

"What did I forget..." I tapped my head as I slowly made my way back to the Knights' HQ, hoping to remember what exactly it was.

"Oh...Oh! Oh that!" I snapped my fingers.

I forgot about the food Albedo gave me!

Well, that might've really just hurt his feelings...Oh no...

I quickened my pace as I stepped up the stairs leading to the building that is my destination.


"I'm...huff...I'm back!" I hastily opened the door to the dining room on the second floor.

"Ah, (Y/N). You're a little late today. Come on." Kaeya greeted, sitting on one of the seats nearby the door.

"Wow, you're not at the tavern today? I thought you'd be drinking the night away there instead of being here..." I walked towards the chair beside him, and set my bad down.

"Oh, I suppose I just didn't feel like it today." He shrugged.

"...That's suspicious." I narrowed my eyes.

"Ahaha, oh is it? Why would you think so?" He chuckled.

"Who knows? You're suspicious all the time," I put my hands on my hips, "Like that one time you snuck around my room. And then when I confronted you about it, the excuse was that there was a ghost or whatever."

"Still don't believe me? You don't hear knocking in the middle of the night?" He gazed at me with a playful expression.

"You're trying to throw me off, Captian Kaeya." I pursed my lips into a line.

"Oh, and, I think something is behind you." He pointed behind me.

"That's a lame trick, no one is be-" As soon as I turned my head around, I was greeted with a face right in front of me, "Ahh!!"

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