:: Your OCs ::

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I don't really know, I thought it was a good idea to ask about your Genshin OCs!

You can follow this format if you want:

General Information

- Name

- Age

- Gender

- 3D Body Model Type
Woman [e.g. Lisa / Jean]
Girl [e.g. Lumine / Keqing]
Man [e.g. Kaeya / Zhongli]
Boy [e.g. Bennett / Xiao]
Child [e.g. Qiqi / Klee]

- Vision

- Weapon

- Birthday

- Nation

- Affiliation


- Title(s)


- Appearance

- Description

- Likes / Favourite Food

- Dislikes

Combat Information

- Talents

- Constellation

- Talent Level Material

- Ascension Material


Overworld Quotes
- Idle

- Death

- Low HP

- Elemental Skill

- Elemental Burst

- Added to Party

- Gliding
----- Start
----- End

- Dash / Evade

- Damaged

- Weather

Character Menu Voice-overs
- Hello

- About [ Insert In-game Character ]

- More About [ Insert Your OC ]
----- I
----- II
----- III
----- IV
----- V

- Feelings about Ascension
----- Intro
----- Building Up
----- Climax
----- Conclusion

- Good...
----- Morning
----- Afternoon
----- Evening
----- Night

- About Us (About Traveler and the Character)

- About the Vision

- Something to Share

- Interesting Things

- Hobbies

- Troubles

- Favourite Food

- Least Favourite Food

- Birthday


- Character Details

- Story
----- 1
----- 2
----- 3
----- 4
----- 5

- Extra ( You may name it whatever you want! )

- Vision


- Namecard
----- Appearance ( I might be able to draw it! )
----- Description

- Constellation
----- Name and Translation

- Birthday Letter and Gifts

- Idle Animations


Honestly that felt pretty long, but I'd love to see your OCs' info, odds are I might attempt to draw them.

Other might like reading them too, and if anyone wants, they can also attempt to draw your characters.

But what I hope not to see is people calling another person's character "trash" or anything else in a rude manner. Those kinds of behaviour will not be tolerated.

Let's all have some fun...I guess!


You can put the info in the comments of the corresponding words, e.g.:

If you want to put the name, comment it on the word that says "Name", same goes for the age, and so on...

I'm looking forward to seeing your OCs!!

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